Pit stop

Observing readers have already asked where we are at the moment. In our tour dates you will find “blocked”. The whole month of November we left free for a lot of organizational things, which occur, when you give up everything. And of course there are some things that have not been planned at all – like always in life…

We are back in Austria at the moment, where we still have a second home. The hiring contract expires and we have to prepare everything for the handing over. Which means to give away last things, get rid of stuff and clean the house.

Our car need winter tires. After all we will soon be in winter holiday destinations. Therefore we have to change the content of our suitcases. Out with the thin summer dresses and give me the skiing underwear and the down jacket. Not to forget wooly hat, scarf and gloves.

Our washing machine ran all the time. Everything from the suitcase – whether it has been worn or not – has been washed.

One suitcase full of summer clothing will be stored near one of our spring destinations, so that we can change it. Who needs a skiing jacket at the Azores???

The camera got a professional cleaning and some minor repairs.

All the papers and writings that have been arrived were sorted and edited. For the statutory period of retention of our papers we rented a storage room.

Unfortunately Achim had to undergo two different surgeries. Number 1 is already over. Number two will follow. Nice that we got a date for it in November. It is not that easy nowadays.

After that we will relax some days with friends and are looking forward to continue our waltzing!!