First Day Waltzing

Walz Selfie

It's done. We are on our way. Waltzing.

The last preparations were once again quite stressy. To give away all our food and spices was very difficult. We should talk about stockpiling…

Leerer Kühlschrank vor der Walz

Packing was another challenge. A lot of things had to be left behind. Again big sacks were filled. Incredible! A small comfort is that we did not throw away our things but gave them to very nice people and know that they are welcome and will be used. If this would have landed in the trash… Awful!

Walz Kofferraum

But finally everything was packed and even stored in the car.


Rosalinde was on board…


And we started.

Our first stop is in the region Salzburgerland. Driving there felt strange and not real. It was not really clear that we will be going on and on and on. Maybe it will finally come to our minds. And maybe our nerves will calm down.

In Niedernsill we found a very nice host and a cosy place to stay.


Gasthöf Kröll is much nicer than presented on the website. Therefore first thing we did, was making HDR-photos. The culinary part is also very good. Ralf Kröll bakes his own bread and smokes fish. Of course we will report on that.


Bureaucracy is still horrible. One cannot communicate with us through emails because of data privacy reasons. But we can share our social security quickly through a mail, because it is needed. Then it is no problem. With the paperwork we spent one or two hours this morning.


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