Hintersee at Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

When you find the junction from Felbertauernstrasse you follow a narrow but beautiful alpine road to the parking place at the Hintersee. (The junction is directly behind Wolfram and the avalanche gallery – I mean directly!!) From the parking place there is a nice nature trail with some explanation boards and very nice view points.

Hintersee Mittersill Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Unfortunately there is no round trip around the lake because of the possibility of rolling stones. But the nature trail is also worth walking. Afterwards you can have a drink or a snack at the Gamsblick.

On your way you pass by wonderful natural monuments and you can see that nature in the national park is untouched. You will find overthrown trees from an avalanche which slowly decompose.

Hintersee Mittersill Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Gentian and other plants you will see as well as interesting insects. Nature is really beautiful at the valley head. But you also get a feeling of the force of nature e.g. when you hear ice and rolling stones thunder down the rocks. That is a very impressive sound.

For those with walking disabilities there are right next to the parking place at the bank of the lake some benches to sit and enjoy.

Hintersee Mittersill Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

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