About clocks, cars and other funny vehicles

We have been to the Clock and Car Museum in Schramberg and have been completely faszinated by all those unusual, unique and creative vehicles.

Uhren- und Automuseum Schramberg

What clocks have to do with cars you will learn at the museum. Four full floors in an old industrial building show all about mobility in the time after world war 2. Whether bicycle, moped, motorbike or three- or four-wheeled vehicle; it seems there were no boundaries for ideas at this time.

You will see amazing coulours and forms.

Uhren- und Automuseum Schramberg

But there is also a lot information about live after the war. Therefore the museum is not only interesting for car lovers. Many allday live scenes are exposed like a hairdresser, a shop or just a living room.

Uhren- und Automuseum Schramberg


Bring enough time! Only a couple of meters away is the Car Collection Steim located. It is not about the vehicles of the man in the street. Here you find luxury cars e.g. from statesmen. So much lacquer and chrome is worth the visit.

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