Barefoot in the park

One important part of our waltzing concept is to do something different and to look beyond one’s own nose. One new thing was the barefoot park in Dornstetten-Hallwang.

A car park routeing system leads you to the different parking places. Please don’t wonder when you see a parking ticket machine in the middle of the forest. That’s alright. The park is for example  financed through the parkin fees. So please do not cheat, but get a ticket.

Barfußpark Dornstetten

After you have parked the car, you walk through a wooden gate and stroll over bark mulch. The signs are quite clear. It is a foot.

Barfußpark Dornstetten

A good start. At the real entrance you will find lockers for your shoes.

Barfuß Park Dornstätten

We were cowards and took our shoes with us because we thought we might need them in-between. So we put them in our bag and used the shoelaces to carry them.

And then it became serious. Barefoot – with feet that have not been without protecting footgear for ages – we staggered over the bark mulch. So far so good.

Barfußpark Dornstetten

At the first station it was all about water: water courses, water pumps, water wheels and water pipelines. You walk through stream beds with cobble stones and wooden stilts. Children have a lot of fun and the grown ups approach very skeptical each station. You should not be too prissy because it can get wet.

Barfußpark Dornstetten Barfußpark Dornstetten

You walk over totally different grounds and your feet are challenged. There is wood and stones and cobble stones, but there is also a Kneipp water trading basin. There are rubber mats and trampolines and much more.

Barfußpark Dornstetten Barfußpark Dornstetten

So you walk around and the feet wonder what that’s all about. And you try everything and after an initial hesitation you really step on unbelievable things like fir cones (ahhhhhhhhhh) and nails (oops).

Barfußpark Dornstetten Barfußpark Dornstetten

You dig with your toes in the sand and balance over round timber. It is all really exciting.

Barfußpark Dornstetten Barfußpark Dornstetten

Some things hurt, some are nasty, some tickle, some feel really nice. But that is different for each person. One likes what the other finds hard to stand.

Barfußpark Dornstetten

The highlight was definitely a basin full of pieces of broken glas. You stand in front of it and you think: „What the … ? Are they serious? That’s impossible.“ But then you think: „Okay.The people from the park maybe have thought about it and then it is possible.“ And after that you dare to really walk over broken glass.

Barfußpark Dornstetten Barfußpark Dornstetten

We only have done the introduction round which is meant to take 25 minutes. We have definitely needed more time. So bring enough time!

Barfußpark Dornstetten

At the end you arrive back at the lockers. There is also a foot washing facility. That is badly needed.

Barfuß Park Dornstätten

Towels have to be brought on your own. There is also a kiosk where you can buy food and  drinks.

Barfußpark Dornstetten

Ah! Nearly forgot: There is also a tip box. Together with the parking fee the park is financed through donations. The entrance is free!

All together a fascinating experience. A lot is overcoming and the rest is a question of the mind. And even when our feet hurt afterwards it was worth a visit!!

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