Bye-bye Black Forest

With a heavy heart we left the Black Forest. With a big lump in our throats. And some tears were shed…

Sonnenuntergang von der Schwarzwaldhochstraße aus in Richtung Frankreich
Sonnenuntergang von der Schwarzwaldhochstraße aus in Richtung Frankreich

We have been 13 weeks and something in the area and we settled in well already. So it was very difficult to leave.

Altogether we have been 95 days on tour for Schwarzwald Plus. A very clever touristic card. Everything that is offered by this card is free for the tourist.

From the 80 experiences – that's how the offers of this card are called – we visited 76 and took photos and described them. What we experienced we wrote in our weekly reports.

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Furthermore we went hiking, visited France and walked some adventure trails.

We have lived in 14 different accommodations and met very many very nice people.

We had a wonderful cooperation with the whole team of Schwarzwald Plus.

We drove 6744 kilometers. I texted 20057 words.

We wrote 20 German and 20 English blogposts.

Achim tookk 6576 photos and deliverd 1622. 468 from that are HDR-photos with an average of seven single exposures.

And we tweete 841 tweets with the hashtag #swplus.

Wanderweg mit Herz im Tonbachtal
Wanderweg mit Herz im Tonbachtal

We felt very comfortable at the Black Forest. We liked the woods and the fir trees. We wondered that the christmas lighting stays the whole year round at the houses. But that might save time. We discovered culinary exceptions and we did things that we would have never tried otherwise. We received great support from the cooperation partners of the card. We had a great summer with lots of sunshine and high temperatures. We experienced georgeous sunrises and -downs and spectacular moonrises.

Sternenhimmel im Schwarzwald
Sternenhimmel im Schwarzwald

We did not manage a few things that we had planned like visiting the Allerheiligen Waterfalls or the Lotharpath.

We did quite a lot social media consultancies. Sometime in a bigger round and some at the domestic computer. We fought with some health issues and the WiFi.

But we would definitely go there again!!!

Here are our TOP 33 photos from the Black Forest

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