Hiking Golf in Lofer in the Saalach Valley

We already have some experience with miniature golf and golf courses. But hiking golf was new to us.

Saalachtal Wande Golf

First you get the equipment at the tourism information in Lofer, which is a wooden club and at least one wooden ball. Why at least one? You will see on your way… You also get a map, which is also the score sheet. We took one club for both of us. The club fitted perfectly into Achim's photo backpack right beside the tripod. I carried the wooden balls in my jacket. Perfect split of work.

Wandergolf - Holzschläger passt perfekt zum Fotorucksack

Off we went. Huge wooden signs mark the way and the first hole is not far away from tourist info. The holes have funny names and are not easy to play. Everything is made out of old farmers equipment and lots of wood. So nothing is really straight.

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The challenge is to have the right amount of power. If you hit not hard enough the ball will not reach its target. If you hit too hard, the wooden ball might disappear in the woods. That's the answer to the question above. You play in the middle of the nature and in the forest. And if a ball leaves the lane it is possible that you won't find it any more.


The trail leads over the Saalach, through quite residential areas, over meadows and through the forest. It is absolutely stunning. At every corner it looks different.Two or three times we needed the map but otherwise there are enough wooden signs marked with “Wandergolf”.

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The holes are quite funny and you might see equipment you have never seen before. And the ball must go through, pass by, over or into it.


We had fun anyway. And did not manage every hole. But here the way is the reward because the trail is so beautiful. It is 6 kilometers long. We needed 2 hours and 20 minutes for it.


We would have liked a stop for food and drinks and passed by at two restaurants. But one looked closed and the other had of all things a day off.

A good thing and the second part with another nine holes in St. Martin we will do if times allows because it is really funny.

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