Saalachtaler Schmankerln

We are definitely interested also in culinary arts and therefore looked for yummy things in the Saalachtal (Saalach valley). And here are one or the other delicacies waiting to be discovered…

Probably you get those also in other regions but everyone has his or her own receipt and the term will be different.

Kaspressknödel & Kaiserschmarrn

On different menus we came across some dishes that we did not know so far. But there were also some well known like Kaspressknödel (a dumpling with cheese) or Kaiserschmarrn (a torn pancake).

But nothing tastes better than handmade stuff if possible on a wood-fired oven on an alpine hut after a long hike. Mmmmmmmmm…. Yummy….

Pinzgauer Bladln

Bladln were new to us. We could try them from Helga at the Hundsfußalm. They are mostly made from rye flour or rye and wheat flour. And you get them filled or unfilled. They are filmy. You might be able to read the newspaper through them and they are deep fried. They come with sauerkraut. Georgeous!

And then there were Bauernkrapfen (a kind of donut). Made from yeast dough. Also deep fried. And here you also have two varieties: sweet or hearty. How practical! You have one for dessert – in case you manage another one afterwards. These things are incredibly filling. Especially if they are as big and as thick as at Helga’s…

At another alpine cabin we found other funny things on the menu: Breznsuppe, Erdäpfelnidei (or also Dompfnidei or Eächtlingnidei), Senninhupfer and Zwetschkenpofesen. The very names are like poems, aren’t they? Doesn’t help. We don’t know it. Have to taste it…

The Senninhupfer are kind of donuts. Kind of. But very yummy! Zwetschkenpofesen is kind of a french toast filled with plum butter. Also excellent!

Breznsuppe is an old lenten food and not really a soup. Today it is made from white bread instead of stale pretzels. We could not manage…

And finally there were Erdäpfelnidei. Very seldom offered today but we found them at one hut. Actually quite simple to prepare. And – are you sitting? – vegan. Cooked potatoes are smashed and formed with salt and flour into a dough. You make small rolls and cut them in slices. Those slices are baked in a pan until they are golden brown. They are served with sauerkraut. How they taste we can only imagine as we were not allowed to try them… But we assume; good!

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