Saxony Part 5: Leipzig Lakeland

From one lakeland to the other: Leipzig Lakeland (Leipziger Seenland) Also here are a lot of flooded lakes and normally a lot of water action. For us it was only water from above. And a bad cold!

We stayed in the Heide Spa Resort in Bad Düben. The area around Bad Düben is well known for the heath, moor and cranes.

Die Kraniche beim Erwachen zu sehen

To see the cranes we got again up very early. We wanted to catch them flying out in the morning. Therefore we met at 7 with a nature guide. In the dark we walked through the forest. You should try that. It is a peculiar atmosphere. Some deer crossed thundering our way and somewhere we left the track and walked along a small smooth path. There is no sign. You just have to know it.

Besucherplattform zur Kranichbeobachtung

At the end of the path there is a visitors platform with benches. Here you sit comfortably and watch the cranes. Our guide provided us with blankets and warm tea. So we sat and waited. Deer bellowed. An animal walked along our platform and the cranes screech and gurgle. And then suddenly they start flying. In small groups, in pairs or sometimes twenty birds at the same time. Incredibly impressive.

Die Kraniche beim Erwachen zu sehen

Tipp: Try to go in the morning. The mood is unique and the moment when they take wing is stirring.

Bad Düben is a nice village with a castle, some mills, e.g. a boat mill. We haven’t heard of it before. Here you can find a lot of hiking tracks and nature trails. And there are beavers. But we haven’t met one.

From Bad Düben we travelled to Grimma. We stayed in a appearingly Mediterranean Finca with private spa and a great concept: Breakfast is served through a kind of a gate so that the honeymooners won’t be disturbed. There is also a day spa and you can get a massage or cosmetic treatment. Right beside there is a nostalgia coffee place, which of all things was renovated right now. Aww man!

And another aww man because the planned bike tour along the Mulde was cancelled.

Grimma is yet another village with impressive old and also big buildings. The monestary is huge and the district court is housed in a castle. The townhall might be the most beautiful building. Maybe that’s why Grimma is called the pearl.

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