Saxony Part 6: Vogtland

From beautiful Grimma with the awesome Finca we went to the Vogtland. Unfortunately again in the rain. On our way we saw very interesting photo opportunities. If possible we drive through the countryside, so that we can enjoy the landscapes.

Finally we arrived in Schöneck at the IFA hotel and holiday parc. A huge thing with all kinds of amusements. And a panoramic restaurant. The panoramic view we could only imagine because here at the highest point in the Vogtland we were sitting right in the middle of a cloud.

But we had a good wifi connection – unfortunately with costs…


In the afternoon we visited the King Albert Theater in Bad Elster. A gem, but with full program. Here they play all year round. How nice! Other houses could learn from them.

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Right beside the hotel there are very nice hiking trails and mountain bike tracks. But they were no option because of the rain. So we went for plan B and drove to the Musicon Valley.

We visited the guitar and bass manufactory Warwick & Framus.


The tour through the production was sheer delight. Not only because here a lot is done by hand but also because the material wood is really respected. You have to see how they touch the material there. Nearly devoutly. In the factory hall there is a pleasant atmosphere. You feel immediately comfortable at this place. The climate is perfect and there is despite of the wood processing no dust in the air.


The manufactory is the only instrument builder that works carbon-neutral. Very good!


You can visit the production on request. The tour ends of course at the show room! Wonderful how beautiful these instruments are. There is still a lack of a foldable e-guitar for waltzing, though! 🙂


In the afternoon it was still raining, so we stayed with the subject handicraft and visited the show embroidery in Plauen. Here everything is about stitching and laces. The huge machines are quite impressive. And again the skilled craftsmanship of the embroiderer. Very very sad here again, that this profession is dying out.


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We wonder why teenagers want to become a hairdresser or receptionist instead of silk flower maker, guitar builder oder embroiderer…

On our last evening we finally got a look onto the sun and the awesome view from the hotel. It wasn't really a clear blue sky but very impressive.

Und jetzt kommen eine ganze Menge Fotos! Also holt Euch mal etwas zu trinken (Kaffee, Tee, Wein,…) und schaut Euch in Ruhe die Fotos an 😉

Warwick & Framus Musikintrumente


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