Hotel St. Fridolin – really different

We are on the road again. Finally! There was already something missing. But we have to admit that October and November have been quite rough for us. Though the days with our friends were really nice, they have been too short for us to revive. Achim is recovering slowly from his stay in hospital which had some aftereffects though it lasted only two nights.

Sonnenaufgang über Bad Säckingen

We started with the hotel St. Fridolin in Bad Säckingen, which is at the Swiss border. You look towards Switzerland from the hotel and also to the river Rhine. We had a huge apartment, which was also barrier-free. It was very comfortable for us to have so much space for our stuff.

Lobby Hotel St. Fridolin

Frühstücksraum Hotel St. Fridolin

Apart from that we really enjoyed our stay at this special hotel. The hotel is integrative which means that half of the employees is different. Really different! As the hotel puts it. The slogan fits: Breakfast is prepared affectionately and large. And the staff is great! Never before we have experienced so much dedication. The employees work concentrated and beam from satisfaction. That is overwhelming. They were great support for the hotel photo shoots.

Doppelzimmer Einzelzimmer

Hotel St. Fridolin is a member of Embrace Hotels, which is an association of integrative hotels. It is great fun to be a guest here. Very seldom you meet hotel staff with such a bright smile in the face.

Of course we went to downtown Bad Säckingen. From the hotel you could walk along the Rhine to the old town. There is also enough parking space when you go by car. The old town is quite romantic with small alley ways and the cathedral. An ancient wooden bridge leads across the Rhine so that you can walk to Switzerland.

Alte Holzbrücke Bad Säckingen Alte Holzbrücke Bad Säckingen

The Swiss part is rather boring. It looks like the Swiss enjoy to visit cosy Bad Säckingen. Unfortunately this leads to higher prices in the restaurants. It might happen that you have to pay for a simple cheese sandwich with ham an pineapple (Toast Hawai) 11,80 Euros.

Die Schweizer Seite der alten Holzbrücke

But there is a cheaper way. We discovered Cafe Zwischen, where you can get yummy waffles and crepes. Crepes Hawai costs here just about 3,50 Euros. And there is enough staff. This cafe is also an integrative business where we have been affectionately cared for. What a pity that there are not more of these businesses. For us it has been a great experience and enrichment.

Altstadt Bad Säckingen

We have been to the christmas market in the old town of Bad Säckingen, which only takes place on one single weekend in December but is quite huge! We wanted to eat at the market but have not thought about the queues in front of the different booths. And we had some language problems. We did not know what a “Köpfler” was and asked. The answer was: “Like Basler.” And we: “–??–“. “Cervelat?”. And we again: “–??–“. Ha, ha. So just try it…

From Bad Säckingen you can make excursions to quite a few destinations. But also if you stay in Bad Säckingen it is not boring. There are a lot of shops and there is also a spa which we haven't visited. But hey, try yourself!

And if you are about to book a hotel, maybe you try an integrative one. It is quite an experience!!


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