Saalach Valley in Winter

We already have been during autumn at the wonderful Saalach Valley at Salzburgland. And now we were for the second time here in winter. We stayed at Hotel Mühlpointhof in Lofer in a huge apartment. Here in the valley everything got nice white powder on it.


Thematically we stayed with old traditions. We visited another Perchten Run in Salzburgland. The third in our life. The two others did not really convince us. This time it was a bigger run: The Pongau Perchten Run – in Bischofshofen. Here there were more ‘beautiful Perchten' than ‘ugly Perchten'. Unfortunately there was no moderation with explanations this time. For quite a lot of figures and costumes we would have loved to have more information about what they represent. So if you happen to know more please let us know via comment.

Perchtenlauf Bischofshofen 2016

It was striking that only men were involved and that there were partly very very elaborate costumes. In between were some marching bands and there have been some pranks. Visitors were touched our flour was thrown on the spectators. In any case it is supposed to bring you luck. The parade lastet quite long and although there have been no barriers there was no hitting. Now that is a kind of a parade for us..

Here you can see all photos and videos from the Perchten Run in Bischofshofen!

In the beginning of the year winter is chased out and so we visited also the Tresterer in Unken. Here the Perchten are chased literally out of the house and afterwards a very interesting dance is performed. Finally they have a Schnaps or beer and move on to the next farm. A veeeeeery long day for the dancers… Anyway it is a very interesting tradition, which is celebrated only in a small region.


Then we had a funny photo shooting with some lovely kids a the Children Hotel in Unken.

Another traditional custom between Christmas and New Year is Smoking. Here different hallowed herbs are burnt on embers. House and stable are then cleaned with the smoke. This is a very old tradition which is supposed to also have a medicinal benefit.


Concerning culinary arts the Saalach Valley had again something to offer. We were allowed to look over the shoulder from a cook preparing Nocken (small dumplings). Of course there were also cheese Nocken and Jaganocken with bacon. And we had bratwurst in a pan and venison goulash… yummy, yummy, yummy.


We dared to visit the Lamprechts Cave, where some people in history lost their lives while searching for the  legendary treasure from knight Lamprecht. But also without a treasure hunt the cave is worth a visit, because the rock formations and the colours are stunning. You can't stop marveling…


Finally we had to check, what happened to this nice beach place at the banks of the Saalch, where we have made our beach selfie. Nearly everything was still in place and we know now that you can also have much fun at the waterside of the Saalach and can spend a lot of time there.

You can look up the week on twitter. There are also videos from the Tresterer Dance.


Overall again a wee full of exciting events.

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The Tresterer from Unken


Culinary Arts in the Saalach Valley

Lamprechts Cave

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