Tannheimer Valley – Week 3

We had a great time at the Tannheimer Valley. We have been here for three weeks and it was pure luxury for us that we did not have to move. So we could do more… And also in our third week we experienced a lot… Nearly until the last minute of our stay…

First we had much work to edit all our events from the week before. I suffered from a lumbago which held me back somehow. Bureaucracy needed some attendance, too. Have you ever tried to cancel a contract? And? Did you succeed with one notice? Or did they keep on charging you as if nothing would have happened??? Exactly. That’s what we experience right now!

But then we went on.

We started with culinary arts and were allowed to have a look into the crowned pots in the kitchen of Hotel Hohenfels. It is always so nice to watch when cooks love food and their profession. Then something like this results. And because we were not only allowed to photograph it but also to taste it, we can tell you: You taste it, when someone gives a thought.



The weather was also on our side and it was snowing heavily for two days. So we could do some things that like it or not depend on snow.

Achim was allowed to watch how the winter hiking trails are prepared. The snow cat is so small that only two people fit in there… You need a lot of experience and intuition to realize where the path is located and how the snow conditions are to decide to do what where and how.

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We could not only visit the kitchen of Hotel Hohenfels but also their wellness department… Sorry! No pics!

Then we rented skis and shoes, because we were curious whether you can learn cross country skiing at middle age. Kindly enough we could also borrow winter clothes from Eider so that our photos look nice. Thanks for that!


And then we had our first lesson of cross country skiing. It was great!! We can only recommend it! You can start this kind of sport at any age. That is something for a change, isn’t it?

You can find our full report here!

Finally we have met the ice master of the lake Halden (Haldensee). Hans. Hans knows the ice like nobody else. We drove with him over the untouched snow cover and watched him treat the ice.


In the beginning ist was an unpleasant feeling to go with such a vehicle over the ice, but Hans exudes such a calm that we lost our queasy feelings quite fast and simply enjoyed to pass the lake.


Hans had to go a couple of times to and fro to get a feeling for the situation. After that he decides whether he will make a track for skiing. So we went with im several times across the frozen Haldensee and also watched how the prepared the cross country ski run. An incredible work!


Another week full events and with some premiers. And so the time at the Tannheimer Tal is over. We became quite fond of the valley. It is wide and inviting and very cosy. You hast have to feel good here. The cooperation with the tourism board was excellent and we are happy that we could give some impulses which have been immediately picked up and partly implemented right away.

We are already looking forward to summer when we will stay another fortnight at the most beautiful high valley of Europe!

Culinary Arts Hotel Hohenfels

Emil prepares the winter hiking trail

Our first cross country skiing lesson

Icemaster Hans prepares the tracks on the Haldensee


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