Waltzing Week 37: Country Hotel Kirchenwirt at Saalachtal

Our 37th week of waltzing we spent at the Kirchenwirt in Unken. We have been here already for two weeks when we were the to explore the Saalach valley. But this time it was all about the hotel itself.


Contrary to the Lungau in Unken it looked more like spring. There was so much green to be seen. But we had only eyes for the house:

We documented the breakfast in different variations. In the summer time it is arranged a little bit different than in winter times because then you can sit outside at the terrace.

On the photo shooting list was also the cosy ‘Stüberl'. It was duffed a little bit for that.


The spa was the next subject. Sauna, entrance, relaxation room with a wall made out of salt and a infrared cabin hat to be planned, discussed and of course to be photographed.

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Culinary arts were next on the list. At the Kirchenwirt sometimes there are special weeks like Burger Week. So we had burger as models. One of them we afterwards had for lunch and really enjoyed it. Those are no simple burgers. The buns are specially made for them and are nice and crispy. The patties are handmade and formed. It comes with fresh vegetables and sauces. A stand out is the vegetarian nut burger. You should try it!

One day we spent in Salzburg to organize some things and I needed more reading material. Unfortunately open book shelves are not very common at Salzburg Land. So I had some kind of a jam… Regarding reading while waltzing will surely be worth another post one day.

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Finally some hotel rooms had to be photographed. And all the data had to be edited of course.

At the very last day the weather was really nice so that we could try another hiking trail. Directly at the hotel starts the Gneis-Steig. It leads along the hillside to the frontier to Germany. Back we went at the river of the Saalach. A really nice and diversified round trail.

A short introduction to Lightroom followed and our hotel photo shooting week was over.

That week we especially liked the exchange and discussions with very nice people. That's how we like waltzing.


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