Another pit stopp…

During the easter holidays we had two weeks free within our tour dates. We did not really try to fill those weeks but blocked them for another pit stopp. In November we did not really manage to do everything that we had planned. So we used this time to finish our tasks:

We have a new website. Tadaaa!

Our first website was developed before we started waltzing and was mainly about explaining the concept and do some advertising for our project. But now we are nearly one year on the road and there are so many photos that we want to show them. And there are more than 200 blog posts that have to be displayed in a different way. It really was time for something new.

And when we are at the pit stopp we use the time for some other things as well. We had to do four tax declarations for Austria and two for Germany. And we saw seven doctors within 14 days. All at once! But we hardly have time for a consultation. And it is very difficult to get an appointment with a specialist. So we took advantage of the break and did all the check ups. And now we can freely go on waltzing.

Some days were spent with friends and family. But there was not enough time to meet more acquaintances or tweeters or bloggers for a beer.

Our tour dates do not show any more gaps…

How do you like our new website?

Is there something missing? Are there any mistakes? We are looking forward to your comments!!

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