Waltzing and Books

I admit I am a letter-junkie. I read everything. Doesn’t matter what. The main thing is reading! How do I cope while waltzing? Well, just like all the years before:

I use free public libraries!


If I would have still all the books that I have ever read I would need approximately two houses and several garages.

While waltzing it is even more fun to take a book from a public free library from Oberheimbach and leave it in a hotel on Madeira. I love the idea that the books also travel…


Which possibilities are there to give away books:

  • public bookcases
  • hotel libraries
  • bookcrossing

Public book cases

There are a lot of public book cases. On some websites and maps you can find them. Or there are organizations that take books and use them meaningful:



In many hotels there are book shelves from which you can take a book for reading during your stay. Some hotels allow you to take a book with you if you leave one there. Just ask. I like to add a book! Normally nobody complains about that.


With bookcrossing you can register a book and watch where it travels around the world. This is really interesting. But you can also swap books or ask for special titles. Have a look! (Link above)


Leave a book

Sometimes I just leave a book somewhere, where a lot of people or travelers pass by. On motorway service areas or gas stations or in a phone booth. A sticker simply says: „Take me with you!“. To protect it from humidity I put it into a transparent plastic bag.


Thus books are also waltzing… And I always have enough reading material for our waltzing…

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