Discover Sao Miguel by rental car

On our first morning after arrival we were so curious about the Azore’s island Sao Miguel that we startet with our rental car to drive along the west coast.


After we left Caloura we already found the first sign „Miradouro“. So we went there, because this is for „view“. And of course we had a great view from up there and there also has been a nice pick nick place. Here everything is very green…

We took the small coastal road towards Ponta Delgada and suddenly spotted a nice beach in Livramento on the left. Black sand with a pink stripe. The pink colour comes from thousands of tiny shells. We were all alone at the beach and it is quite long and just wonderful.

At the end of the beach you can spot a tongue. We drove some hundred meters to Rost Do Cao and climbed on the rocks. The sea has all different colours and looks great against the black lava rocks. In between there are all kind of plants to be seen which grow between the stones. After having watched long enough the waves we went on to Ponta Delgada to the market hall.


We parked the car in a parking deck and walked. But we were maybe too late. There were only a couple of stands open. The rest was covered with canvas. But right beside the market hall we found a cheese shop. The loafs on the shelves reached up to the ceiling. We ordered ten different sort of cheese for take away. The owner was a little bit too generous with his knife. But anyway. We also bought a piece of regional bread and for dessert a Bolo Levedo. At the end we only paid 13 Euros…


We drove further into the direction of the airport and stopped at the car rental. We noticed the evening before that one front light did not work. There was no replacement car but a staff member came and brought us to a garage. We followed him through tiny streets to Ponta Delgada and were in a few minutes there. The light bulb was changed and we could go on. Very good service!


We drove along the coast towards Feteiras and stopped at another view and picknick point. But for our lunch it was too windy. So went on and found a couple of minutes later a nice place for our cheese buffet. The place was protected from the wind and had again a great view.


We tried all the different kind of cheese. One was better than the other. Finally we ate the sweet bread. Perfectly! Refreshed we drove on.


In Ginetes we met two farmers on their horse car with huge milk churns. The cows stay here all year round on the meadow and the farmers go to milk them two times a day. And some do this by car and others still use their horses. In between you can still see the farm houses made out of stones.


Our next aim were the hot lava basins at the beach of Ferraria. Here it was really stormy. The waves were some meters high. We get quite wet from the spray but it is also fascinating. And the basin was washed over from the sea. But also the new pool was empty. The black lava was again very impressive. Finally we could get ourselves away from the breakwater and drive up on the hill.

We went on to Mosteiros and stop again and again at viewpoints and picknick places. These place are sometimes huge. Everything is clean and tidy and in the summertime you even get grill wood there. On our way back we go via Sete Cidades. The streets are lindes with blooming azaleas in all colours. White, orange, red, pink…

We are very impressed by the different shades of green, all the cows which you see all over the island. We loved the variety of local cheese and the yummy bread. A fascinating nature. And a lot of well designed view points.

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