1 Year Waltzing

One year ago we started waltzing. A whole year. On May 17, 2015 we did not know, what we would experience, what to expect, which problems would occur. But we were looking forward to it. That we finally could start. That we could do what we love.


Now we are already living one year without a flat, without own furniture or cleaning or groceries, without lawn mowing or electricity bill or putting the bin out. And it is still so much fun.


Being without own furniture is no problem. Mostly we have a very nice and large hotel room, which is enough for us to feel comfortable. Being without an office is also no problem. Normally we find a place for our laptop or tablet. We kept our car. And (knock on wood) it is still running.

We have set up new rituals. We are much more quicker in packing our suitcases and loading the car. We still carry too much stuff and would like to slim down. We improved our laundry situation by buying different clothes by and by. We also got endorsements.


We move much more. As we sometimes stay in the third floor of a hotel we walk quite some steps during a day. We go out even if it is cold or the weather is not inviting. If there is no couch there is no temptation… Though we had no tv before our waltzing a couch still can be inviting to lounge.


We also had our first flights and realized we still own to many things. Bureaucracy is reduced but still time consuming and nerve wrecking. But we work on it. Everything takes much longer than we expected.


We had some cases of recurrence which we loved because cooperation works perfectly when you know how the other one is ticking. We relaunched our website and still work on our blog concept.


We also had already two stupid cancellations with very short notice and are thinking about how to avoid that in future and whether we have to make contracts now with a cancellation policy. So far it all went well on a basis of trust.


We still have to explain in length how our concept works and what we need to produce such great results as customers mentioned in their feedback. But it is still new and does not fit into a pigeonhole: neither travellblogger nor journalist.

Gold waschen im Raurisertal im Salzburgerland
Gold waschen im Raurisertal im Salzburgerland

We ate very often very badly which we never would have expected. And we were quite surprised. Now we always ask whether the dishes are home made and if somethings wrong we try to change it as soon as possible.


But sometimes we got some real delicacies!


Our work-life-balance is still not perfect. We work far too much. Sometimes because we are curious and want to experience some things and sometimes because the conditions are not as expected and as agreed on. The time we are loosing is deducted from our relaxing time. Because in the end we want to deliver good results.

Totes Meer - been there, done that
Totes Meer – been there, done that

We do learn a lot. We learn about old traditional handicrafts or culinary arts. We admire natural wonders which we never have heard about before. We are surprised and we also surprise when we find out something that even locals, hotel owners or destination boards did not know before.

Wanderweg Gföllsteig Salzburgerland
Wanderweg Gföllsteig Salzburgerland

We gave some interviews and have written a lot of articles as guest authors.

In our blog there are more than 200 blog posts and we wrote more than 7000 tweets… And of course there are a couple of thousands of photos...

What we wish for the next year: We wish that it goes on. That we stay healthy. That we can go on meeting interesting people and experiencing fascinating things. But we also wish to be treated with respect and that our conditions will be fulfilled. And we would love to change the continent…

You can still book us. And if you like what we are doing, please spread the word!!


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