A whole village goes organic

We have been in Schmilka during our last stay in Saxon Switzerland and have visited the organic brewery, the mill and the bakery. And we have been excited about the concept and the consequence how sustainabiltiy is lived here.


This time we were lucky to meet the man of action: Sven-Erik Hitzer. A man of deed. Who believes in his visions no matter what. Who is laughed at by bank consultants. Who removes contaminated garbage and instead creates a leisure resort only to be criticized afterwards that not the music is too loud. Who establishes a treasure and attracts employees which move into a small vilage that constantly lost inhabitants before. A man who thinks in big visions and looks ten years ahead before even the first step is taken. Who struggles to get supplied from the near surrounding with sustainable products and succeeds with his persistence after years and years to persuade some farmers so that they are thinking about to maybe try to change to an ecological system.

This list could go on and on… It is fascinating to listen to him and to experience that he keeps on creating against all odds and has new plans that he is directly realizing. At the same time he thinks very complex and looks to – maybe some years later – everything meshes with one another like gear wheels. And the next generation is raring to go. His sons leads together with his daughter in law the chocolate manufactory in Thürmsdorf. Everything organic. All handmade. All thought out.

Our Meeting has been inspiring and we took a lot with us for our own motivation to engage ourselves for sustainability even while waltzing.

From our own experience we know how difficult it is to stay motivated when all around you people treat resources meaningless or damage the environment. With that you sometimes loose your patience. But following the motto: Every little bit helps we should not give up but follow our believes. Like this Sven-Erik Hitzer turns everything that he touches into a sustainable business. I admire his consequence how he plans every single detail. Even the toilet paper holder is not made out of plastic but hand forged…

During our latest stay we visited the organic restaurant Strandgut. Luckily we reserved a table on a Thursday. On thursdays at the Strandgut they have a veggie day which means that you can only get vegetarian or vegan dishes or meals. We choose the four course menu and very much liked the idea as we have lived two years strictly vegan and now are eating vegetarian while waltzing.

We know how good vegan dishes can taste and can only recommend everyone to try it. And no! It is not about leaving out the meal and serving the side dishes!


Between main course and dessert we got a tour through Schmilka and learned much more about the organic concept…

We did not know that you can stay in nearly every building. No! Not in the brewery! But above the coffee house at Villa Tusnelda there is a huge holiday flat. All materials are ecologically compatible and renovation is done very carefully. Furniture are old or new but always authentic. In the old mill for example the nails are wooden ones. There are guest rooms and appartments everywhere. In the forester’s house, the mill and as mentioned the coffee house ‚Cafe Richter‘. At the mill yard there is a huge sauna for the guests which is heated with the waste heat from other plants. Everything meshes like gear wheels with one another.

Soon there is supposed to be a reception desk for all overnight stays and even a central delivery department for goods. So far each plant orders seperately. There is space for simplification. Right beside the reception a concierge service is planned where you can book treatments or therapy. At the organic hotel Helvetia there is already a naturopathy practice integrated.

A stuff house completes the organic village. The only thing missing is a small eco shop where I can buy my goods while staying in a holiday flat and want to cook my own food. But this will surely come. Mentioning cooking: You won’t find a microwave in any kitchen! And all the guest rooms have a demand switch. Wifi is also not available.

We are curious how the organic village Schmilka will develop and what will be added to it little by little. We are looking forward to our next stay though!

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