Week 55: In the Eifel

From Kannenbaeckerland we went to the Eifel. A short trip and so we arrived quite early on Sunday in Lommersbach, a part of Blankenheim. We were welcomed by a very nice old landlady from the holiday house Höppches. We got sparkling wine and snacks. Then we moved into the small cosy half timbered house. Really rustic with an open fire place, a washing machine (!) and fast Wifi – at least in the corridor.



Right after that we had our meeting with the tourism office to plan the program for the week. A huge surprise were all the regional products we received, like beer and cheese or mineral water and juices. Perfect! So we had enough to eat for the whole week. And we got a lot of reading material like brochures and flyers.


After lunch we went out to discover the surrounding of the holiday home and got some nice impressions of the sunset.

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Monday we went to see the Erlöserkirche (church) in Gerolstein and after that we went to see the dentist another time so that he could have a look at Achim’s tooth gap. Everything was alright.


During the next days we discovered the Eifel and went many kilometers by car. We have seen so many different facets of this region: hiking trails, castles, volcanic landscapes with maars, heath, meadows and fields, forests, caves, gorges, brookes, rivers and waterfalls… Very very versatile.

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Here Achim has been taking the highest umber of HDRs in one week: 79 photos. But the time for editing was as long.

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Concerning culinary arts we have not discovered anything new because we took the chance to cook at the holiday house and even baked a cake… We were very good supplied with regional food. So we had to try that.



We enjoyed the luxury of a washing machine and used it a lot. We even washed our merino clothes with a special programme and also some other clothes while we had the chance.

We packed again a parcel for the domestic winter storage and we got rid of some stuff for the old clothes collection. That won’t stop I am afraid. But we still want to reduce our luggage. It is so lovely that we get presents here and there but we have to carry those around. Space in our car is limited and we always ask ourselves: Shall we keep it? Or give it away? All that we can eat is great. But if it has a nice packaging like the candy from the manufactury we ask ‚where shall we put it?‘. We still have not found a solution for that.

During the week in the Eifel we started to try out an eye training and a new fitness-app.

To be continued…

Here you can find our story of the Eifel with many many photos:

Through the Eifel without a digger



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