Week 59: Still at the Tannheimer Valley

Again a week is over. But it does not get boring.

What happened in the first week you can read here.

This week we received a „Gästekarte“ guest card and a „Bergfreund-Karte“. We first had to read and check what you can do with it.


We stay at the Hotel Drei Tannen with a huge balcony and a nice view. Which is very practical so that we can quickly decide whether we should go for a photo hunt or not. Like that we have discovered a gorgeous rainbow.


With the Bergfreund-Karte you can only use each lift once. But we drove to the top of the Neunerköpfle even on a cloudy day. And – what a surprise – it was really nice there on top.

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We had a small pick nick in a meadow. Which is also very interesting, especially when all the hikers walk by or a para glider flys soundless over you. Very nice.


We visited some other villages. And here everything was nicely decorated. Beautiful.

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And we went for some culture and visited the Heimatmuseum – museum of  local history. And we also finally made it to the gallery in Tannheim. The museum is really huge and covers many subjects and holds very many exhibits. We saw some machines that we had not heard about before.

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And in the gallery we experienced a very nice exhibition about still lives.

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Of course we did also some hiking. We went the 9er-lebnis-Weg at the Neunerköpfle.

Erlebnispfad Neunerköpfle Tannheim

Erlebnispfad Neunerköpfle Tannheim Erlebnispfad Neunerköpfle Tannheim

And walked around the Haldensee.

Erlebnispfad Neunerköpfle Tannheim

Erlebnispfad Neunerköpfle Tannheim

Erlebnispfad Neunerköpfle Tannheim

The best part of this week though has been the soap course. I had no clue about making soap and it was really interesting to experience it.

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And – what a surprise: The german car insurance finally managed to accept the very many writings from the Austrian insurance companies and insure us for a reasonable price. So this chapter is now closed…

Achim hat a bad lumbago but very quickly found a therapist at the hotel …liebes Rot Flüh who not only offers therapy on a saturday but could also help him.

And here are more photos from this week – All Photos  © Waltzing Meurers

At the Neunerköpfle


Local Museum



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