Week 61: Mattsee in the Summer

So we are again in and at Mattsee. (Our report from Mattsee in March you can read here)

We arrived at beautiful sunshine and on the lake there was a lot of activity. Boats, surfers, SUPs, swimmer… Everybody was in and on the water.

Right next morning we talked about the photo motives and were really lucky to find two wonderful models, which dedicated one whole day of their vacation to a photo shooting.

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We went once through the complete hotel. From the rooftop to the spa, on the balcony, at lunch, at a pick nick on a paddle boat, at dinner and finally around sunset in the pool. The whole day we took pictures. But the results are not to bad, aren’t they?

We visited the museum of the monastery and admired the treasures that the church collected over the centuries.

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At the cafe in the castle we had some coffee.


We also had a beer. You can visit the Trumer brewery with a guided tour. You can walk through the old and new brewhouse and afterwards can taste the beer.

We also visited the pipe factory. Unfortunately a dying off handicraft: pipe carving. There are also  figures of saints, sculptures and figures for nativity scenes made. You can watch and look over the shoulder of the carving master. The bodies are prepared machinable by sampling a model. After that the bodies will be finished manually and also painted by hand if necessary. A complex work.

We also took pictures of the passenger ship on the Mattsee. It is not easy to navigate with two boats so that the photo motif can be captured in a good angle. But with our personal skipper – the Seewirt himself – it was no problem at all.

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After that we went away from the water and on to the Buchberg. In the nature park there are a lot of ways paths and theme paths. There is even a summit cross and a summit log. But you will also find nice places to relax or great views. For children there is a playground.

We were lucky because at the weekend there was the handicraft festival. Here we could admire a lot of handicrafts. Very very interesting. For us there were some new crafts like chair caning. A community carpet has been felted and Finnish Kuksa has been carved or textiles have been colored with natural ingredients.

We are nocturnal as well. When there is a starry night you just have to take advantage of it.

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Again a colourful week with a lot of different subjects, nice people and great impressions.

Here are much more photos about the Mattsee and surrounding.

Like always all photos © Waltzing Meurers 



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