Portugal – The Coast of Algarve

After having been to Madeira and the Azore island Sao Miguel in spring we now went to the mainland. We started at the Algarve.

Already the flight was quite promising. First looking over the mountains with their special shape and then the view on to the steep coast. Great.

Well, where to start if there are so many things waiting to be discovered? In front of your door. Right. The first beach was Praia do Paraiso. And soon you realize: Steep coast? That means a lot (!) of stairs and steps. A flight of stairs leads down to Praia do Paraiso. And when you have been down, eventually you have to climb up…

Die Algarve - Portugals Küste

Having said that… the beach of Carvoeiro is right in the center and can be reached at ground level. One of the exceptions. If you want to have a nice view over the beach though you have to climb up again. But the view is worth the effort. The steep rocks, which are actually no rocks but consist of mussels and sand are really impressive. Unfortunately once in a while parts of it crack down. That’s why there are warning signs to keep you off certain areas.

Carvoeiro is a small and cozy village with lots of restaurants and shops. Streets are narrow. So there is a one way regulation. There is enough parking space and some accommodations offer a shuttle service. Some walls and some connection boxes are beautifully painted. And in the evening the small city awakens and gets vivid.

Our next stop was Valence Covo. Here there is no beach at all but just impressive rocks. Behind the hotel area stairs lead down to the water. The colours are great. The water crashes very loud against the walls so that they erode and inviting caves originate. Valence Covo is not for swimming but only for watching.

So off we went to the next bay: Praia da Marinha. Here you get a real beach. A lot of beach. With a sign saying: Miradouro. Miradouro – we know that already. That is good. That means that you have a nice view. So in case you spot such a sing. Go there! Sometimes there are barriers. Sometimes not. There are small paths and sometimes you make your own way. But be careful! The sandy ways are slippery. And some lead to nowhere. Or in the depths. Climbing around the rocks is fun though. And sometimes there are steps or benches cut into the stone. Behind each corner a surprise might wait for you.

At Praia do Marinha there is not only a viewpoint waiting but also a beach with a booth. You get there along a nice shady fixed way.

Because we could not get enough we went on to Algar Seco. Here a lot of stairs and steps with sideways and caves invite you to discover them.

Some rock jumpers have their base here. And you  can get to A Boneca. A small cave arch with a bench. Nice. Can you get married here?

To reach this grotto you have to walk through a beer garden of a restaurant. Of course it is convenient to stay there. But make a reservation. Others have the same idea.

Frischer Fisch vom Holzkohlegrill, Algarve, Portugal

If you are there in the evening you can climb up the rocks behind the restaurant and watch a beautiful sun set. There is no official way, so be careful. But the sun set is georgeous.

If you are not into adventurous things you can walk along the pedestrian bridge. It starts right at the parking lot and leads to the next bay. It goes along the steep coast. From here you also have a nice view to the sun set. From the bridge again some ways lead into the rocks into caves and grottos, though.

To the west there is the Praia dos Caneiros at Ferragudo. A part is guarded and a second part in another bay is not guarded but as beautiful. Again you can reach the beach over steps and stairs. The steep faces are marvelous and the rocks looking out of the water are stunning.

At Lagos there exists a whole pardise full of rocks, caves and grottos: Ponta da Piedade. First you have to walk down some stairs and then you reach a natural pier. Here only one boat at a time can land or take off. The tour costs 15 Euros per person and lasts half an hour. You drive in and out of several grottos and caves and pass by some smaller or bigger beaches. You cannot stop watching or taking pictures. The water glows in unbelievable colours and again and again you will spot a special formed piece of rock or a cave. A very popular spot.

All Photos © Waltzing Meurers

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