Week 71 – Wolfenbüttel: Half-Timbered Houses and More

From the contemplative Northern Harz Foreland we went to Wolfenbüttel. Right into old half-timbered houses. But we did not only admire the beautiful partitions but we also had a look behind the facades and learned about such interesting projects and met many amazing persons that want to make a change and are passionate. That was a really really nice experience and reassuring.

Which projects and concepts we experienced you can read

Wolfenbüttel – Connection between Tradition and Modern Spirit

We stayed in a very nice holiday flat with a very nice kitchen and a stove.

We searched further for a waltz vehicle and found something in Wolfenbüttel.

And… tadaaaaaa! We booked a holiday. Yes!!! We want to really relax and chill out and are definitely looking forward to it!

Seaside Beach Baldeney in Essen im Ruhrgebiet

While Achim still fights his cold I got a biceps tendon irritation which is not only quite painful but also the treatment is – how can I say this – rather rough…

We will call Wolfenbüttel in the future „Wohlfühlbüttel“ which means „Feelgoodbüttel“. We are already looking forward to a reunion!!

All Photos © Waltzing Meurers

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