Week 72: Kitchenparty at Weinbergschlösschen

Once again we have been at the Hotel Weinbergschlösschen in Oberheimbach at the UNESCO World Heritage Upper Middle Rhine Valley.

Der Rhein-Burgen-Wanderweg im Herbst by AchimMeurer.com .

There have been some alterations at the hotel like some additional rooms and a lift. And it was time for a kitchen party again. But one thing after the other.

It took us only a couple of hours to get there from Wolfenbüttel so we had time to enjoy the vineyards in autumn and have a walk in the golden sunshine.

The next days have been busy with taking hotel photos including the  corresponding and nerve-racking preparations.


Four different kind of rooms, two function rooms and the nice terrace have been restaged.

And then there was the famous kitchen party …

Here you can find the whole story of the kitchenpary with more photos.

And the story on Twitter (German).

Additionally we have ordered our new waltzing vehicle with pounding hearts. Supposed delivery time will be end of January. We are sooooooooo excited.


Otherwise this week was quiet. I did the usual call to the finance office because they got again something wrong. Why do I have to waste my time for their inefficiency? And there was some office stuff to do like taxes and some letters.


The first bookings for 2017 arrived…  see our tourdates

Achim’s terrible cold came back and my biceps tendon irritation still  bothers me.

The regular every-day madness that is…

All photos © Waltzing Meurers

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