Week 74 – 76: Großarl

After our pitstop we went to Großarl. We have been here one year ago. Again we lived at the Hotel Kristall – or rather in their new holiday apartments at the Alpenpark and in the hotel Tauernhof.

ferienwohnung-alpenpark-grossarl-salzburgerland_7538_hdr by Array.

As both have made changes and renovations new photos were needed and we nearly only did that. The Tauernhof is family run and has 100 rooms. Additionally there is a huge restaurant and an ample spa. That’s a lot to do if you want to take pictures of all of that.

And don’t forget the holiday flats. Those vary in size and partition. In the biggest one 8 people can stay. With two bathrooms and several sleeping rooms there are immediately a number of photo motives.

HDR-Meurer wouldn’t be the HDR-Meurer if he would not take HDR-photos. This technique though is more time consuming than normal photography so that each picture requires more expenditure. For each hotel room you need to calculate 1 to 1,5 hours. If the room is prepared perfectly it would go quicker. But most of the time some curtains have to be tamed.


Talking about curtains. We finally could ask a professional decorator how to handle stubborn curtains. Her answer was not really helpful: „You can’t do anything about it.“ Most of the curtains in hotels or touristic facilities are impregnated so that they are of low flammability. But through this procedure they get stiff and can hardly be toned. So there is nothing else for it but to come back to our common tricks and tools like pins, adhesive tape and manual persuasive power.


We hardly left hotel and holiday flat. Großarl was humming with excitement shortly before the opening of the winter season. Many hotels and restaurants were closed for renovation, cleaning or just a break before the stress ski season.

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The Salzburg Mountain Advent opened but we were still waiting for snow…

We cared about our minor complaints. My shoulder is still aching heavily. But a visit to another physiotherapist brought new findings. It looks like a cramped muscle blocks the shoulder blade from moving. Laptop worker…

We founded our own company: It is called „Die Meurers OÜ“ and is an Estonian company. Why we choose this model is worth a blog post. Registering and founding was quickly done online. Very nice!

We are working on bookings for us for 2017 and have planned some alterations. More about that soon.

Now we go again to the Ruhr area and are looking forward to it.



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