Week 89: First week of Waltzing in 2017 


Yeah! On the road again. Our holidays were really important and of course we both were ill. What would you expect. But we also had long walks, went to the cinema and to a music. Achim cooked a lot of dishes for us and we watched a lot of movies and tried to relax.


Right after that we went to the CMT in Stuttgart. The years before we have been to the ITB in Berlin, but for our project it was not really successful. Therefore we tried in 2017 the CMT. We liked the show. It was nice and manageable and during the week you have a lot of time at the different stands. We met a lot of people and had some interesting and quite lang conversations. Here you wont’t get disrupted that often like at the ITB during a talk. And we had the impression that our conversation partners were not as distracted or hounded. We have been accredited and allowed to use the media centre including the parking lot which was really nice. We have to wait though whether the interviews will also show in terms of bookings.

After the CMT we went to Wilhelmshaven. Here we did the wrap-up of the CMT and at the weekend we attended the „Tourismuscamp“. The ninth for us and this time it did not take place in Eichstätt but way up in the North. It was full of interesting sessions, a nice reunion with old friends and that all took place in a very nice location with a wonderful organization. A really successful bar camp. And bar camps are on our agenda this year. So this has been a good kick-off.


And finally our waltzing started again. At Saxony Switzerland. Our third stay here. But this time in winter. In the rest of year it is all about moving and nature and we were really interested to see what happens during the winter time. At the eco village Schmilka a lot of events are offered that take place inside. They are called ‚rituals‘. There should be something for everyone among it. Otherwise you can always relax, watch the fire burn, read a book, go to sauna or gamble at an old slot machine. You can have a trip maybe by boat to Bad Schandau, go shopping or have a coffee at a café… What else do you need?

All photos © Waltzing Meurers

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