Week 90: At the Bastei

During our 90th week of waltzing we stayed at the Basteihotel. So we have been as near to the Bastei as possible. We were so excited thinking that we could go anytime to admire this stunning view…

if the weather would have been playing along. Like while our first visit all the nice and beautiful rocks were hiding behind grey clouds.

Only once there were some sunbeams visible at sunrise. So Achim quickly run to take some photos of it.

Sonnenaufgang über der Bastei Brücke im Winter by Array. Sonnenaufgang über der Bastei Brücke im Winter by Array.

But we have tried other activities than hiking. A discovery was dipping candles. That was a real delight.

We did some photos of the rooms and the restaurant in the hotel.

Hochzeitssuite Berhotel Bastei by Array. Berhotel Bastei Kaminzimmer by AchimMeurer.com .

And we did some research on what coold be interesting for a book addict at Saxon Switzerland.

I had to visit two doctors. The first was a dentist. And it was nothing serious. The pain came from the teethridge instead of a tooth. The second visit was not so nice. I thought I had a stain on one of my contact lenses. But the very friendly optician checked everything he could and sent me to an ophthalmologist. There they found out that the lens of my left eye started to get turbid. No good news…

Saturday we discovered Pirna. We strolled through the streets and alleys and had a closer look to the houses. In between we visited special cafés or restaurants. In the evening we went to the cinema and also for the first time into the “Gartenstrasse”. Very beautiful! The movie was also good. “Mein blind date mit dem Leben”. What a coincidence…

While we were changing hotels on Sunday the sun came out. How mean!!!

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