Sankt Peter Ording: Beach as far as you can look

Sankt Peter Ording does not really sound like a sexy holiday resort. But during the last years it has changed a lot. You do typically stay in SPO – as it is called – in holiday flats or houses. If possible in a thatched old house. But there are many varieties and hotel rooms and even camping grounds.

Sankt Peter-Ording an der Nordsee by .

The village is not big and you get along very easy within those three local centers ‚Bad‘, ‚Dorf‘ and ‚Böhl‘. There are shoppings streets to stroll around and take a walk but shortly behind those streets it gets really quiet. The way to the beach is short but the way on the beach is even longer instead.

Sankt Peter-Ording an der Nordsee by .

You can look very far and walk and you have to do some couple of thousands of steps before you get to the waterfront or ‚Waterkant‘ as it is called in the regional dialect. Your view won’t be hardly disturbed. There are a handful of pile constructions standing there impressively and some beach chairs are spread casually.

Rows of sunshades or deck chairs you won’t find. On some areas on the beach you can park your car others can only be reached by foot over pedestrian bridges or you can bike there. But one thing they all have in common: seemingly endless vastness. It is absolutely fascinating how far you can look here.

And because the beach is so wide you do not bother each other. At one part of the beach dogs my run wild at another part there are sand yachts. Here are kite surfers and there are hikers in the mud flats.

Sankt Peter-Ording an der Nordsee by .

There is always a house on piles with a restaurant. Another one for the beach supervision and life guards and the famous toilet houses; the perhaps mostly photographed motive at Sankt Peter Ording. You can walk on top of the dyke or hike through the foreland. And with a bike you can drive along the well signed bike lanes.

Sankt Peter-Ording an der Nordsee by .

No wonder that there are a lot of clinics or rehabilitation centres. Here your soul can get a rest. You don’t need a Camino de Santiago to find yourselve but you simply go to the beach and get your head blown free. And you walk and walk and walk. You won’t meet many people even if there are a lot spending their holiday. It peters out. But beware! Weather can change quickly over here and it might be that you cannot see the shore any more. With the flood it can get dangerous. So please have a look at the tides.

Sankt Peter-Ording an der Nordsee by .

You have got enough of sand and beach? There are other possibilites. Go shopping, have a bread roll with fish, sit down in a beach chair in front of a restaurant and simply watch people pass by. Or go to the old fashioned cinema. Read a good book in the holiday flat. For example the one from the beach inspector. Or just hang around. Look onto the sea. Or… It won’t get boring.

In case you are looking for accommodation, try this: Apartments in Sankt Peter Ording.

Have a nice stay!

All Photos © DieMeurers

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