New Series: The Story Behind The Photo…

There will be a new series here in our blog:

The story behind the photo…

Every now and then we encounter astonished customers when we explain how we work. Though we have a checklist for potential customers there still remains questions. In the mean time it is legendary that we insist on ironing the bed sheets and curtains for a hotel room photo shooting.

But this preparation is by no means the whole work. For many photos it will need much more preparation work. And of course editing. But might be a different blog post series.

For now we stay with the preparations. Why do we put so much effort into it? Well it is quite simple:

The quality is right.

We are booked because of our quality of work. Everybody, that calls for us, wants such beautiful photos. We are astonished all the more so since that some are not willing to contribute to the photo or even thinks such photos occur by a simple fast click.

Lately a customer asked us: „Can we make some concessions?“. It was again about ironing. Our answer was: „Quality is not negotiable.“ After the photos have been edited, the customer regretted that at the first day of photo shooting the ironing has not been perfect. He admitted that you can see the difference. And he confirmed – like others before – that the results are worth the effort.

Therefore we decided to once in a while describe how different photos come into being.

Here we start right away with part 1:

Cycle Marathon – The Story Behind The Photo

Soon the stories about these photos will follow…


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