Week 112: Mülheim An Der Ruhr

For traveling from the Tannheimer Tal to Mülheim we had two days. Very good. As for the weekend massive traffic had been forecasted because of the start of the summer holidays in some federal states.

Impressionen aus Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Ruhrgebiet , NRW by Achim Meurer.

Nevertheless we got through very well and went quite far. Towards our old home. We went to our favorite Italian restaurant and looked for a nice sleeping place. We stopped for a short visit and went on towards Mülheim. We checked in to our holiday flat around noon. Well there have been some surprises. But I need some material for my book…


In the afternoon we had our first meeting with our customer. Everything was well prepared – thanks to our checklist. Something new was a first discovery tour right after the meeting.


Maybe we should  include this into our list. While driving around we could exclude a lot of fotopoints from our list because building were scaffolded or not accessible or not in a visually good shape etc. There were many reasons.


For all those motives that were taken into consideration we could fix the time for the foot shooting. But we learned. We really have to leave the car and have a look at the location. Then we could have saved one or two tours. But at the end of the day we saved a lot of time with this tour. We will surely try that again.



We have been very good cared for with a b that reacted very quickly and offered right away support and solutions. Though all the cooperation partners had been informed before there are still some overeager members of the staff that need to see a written allowance. Sometimes we really have something in writing though with us. This time we did not have something in writing. But we got it cleared pretty soon.


Very spontaneous activities were possible like: „Can we please go on top of the guild hall tower tomorrow evening?“ Thanks to the whole team, that mad things quickly and very flexibly possible and engaging.


Very difficult were – like always – motives with people. Those photos are legally always challenging and we prefer to work with models and according contracts. But those photos are often wished.


We had a very interesting appointment with the local press and we got a very nice article afterwards.

Mit leichtem Gepäck durch die Welt”

Impressionen aus Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Ruhrgebiet , NRW by AchimMeurer.com .
Udo Gottschalk, Fotograf für die WAZ/NRZ, während des Pressetermins auf der alten Eisenbahnbrücke in Mülheim a.d.R.

lIt was striking how well twitter works in Mülheim. We got invitations through twitter, information and as mentioned, the local press learned about us on twitter. That was real fun. Please more of this in the future! By the way the hashtag is: #MHruhr

Our holiday flat had a washing machine included. We love to take advantage of that and wash as much as possible. Achim did some cooking after the necessary equipment for that had been delivered. And so it was a very nice week with no bigger highs and lows or any catastrophes.



Our Week in Mülheim:

Mülheim – A Collection Of Gems

Our Live Twitter Report from Mülheim

The Week in Numbers:

  • 1044 Photos taken
  • 362 photos delivered
  • 142 tweets
  • 989 words in the Blogpost
  • 8 hours overwork







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