How To Make Mangold Strudel?

We tried it and cooked with freshly harvested ingredients from the region of Wolfenbüttel. Thanks to the kitchen staff of the Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel that we were allowed to look over their shoulder. And thanks for the Gemüsescheune that we could watch the harvesting. And thanks to the town’s gardener for the nice vegetable patch in the city.

We want to make mangold strudel with a side salad.

So let’s start.

All the ingredients.

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Let’s first prepare the strudel dough.

Mix egg, flour and water

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Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

And knead it.

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Add oil and work it in.

Do another pressure test.

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Let the dough rest for at least half an hour.

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During that time you can prepare the mangold.

Wash the mangold, dry it and rip the stem out.

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Cut the stems.

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Cut the leaves.

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Peel onions and garlic and cut it.

Sweat the onions and the garlic and add the stems

Stirr eggs.

Cut the cheese into cubes.

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Add the cheese to the eggs

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Add the mangold leaves to the frying stems and fry them as well

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Add the fried mangold to the egg and cheese cream and mix it.

For the salad

Wash the salad and pluck it. Pluck the leaves from the herbs and fry the herbs in oil and add some maple sirup

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Grate the carrots and add some lemon peel

Cut an apple into small pieces

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Fry the apple with a little bit of sugar and add the carrots

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Let the apple and carrots dry on a kitchen paper

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Back to the strudle dough

Stretch the strudel dough out. Start with the hands an turn the dough around.

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Work on with the rolling pin.

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Stretch the dough further over your hand.

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Put the dough on a clean dishcloth and stretch it further.

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Put some melted butter on it.

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Put grounded almonds on it.

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Fry some whole mangold leaves shortly in olive oil from both sides.

Put them on the dough.

Add the pressed mangold mixture.

Put egg yolk on the edges

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

Fold the strudel and roll it with the dishcloth into a firm roll.

Put the strudel into an oiled form, put egg yolk on the top and put the strudel into the oven.

While the strudel is in the oven you can prepare the sauce.

Heat egg yolks in a bain-marie and stirr them with some starch flour, salt and vegetable stock.

Add nutmeg

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .

The salad

Decorate the salad on plates and add the crispy herbs and caramelized apple and carrots

Back to the strudel

Get the strudel out of the oven, cut it and arrange it on a plate

Add some nutmeg whip and decorate it

Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by .


Tell us about your best mangold recipe!

All Photos © DieMeurers



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