Waltzing Meurers


The Countdown is on

The clock is ticking and the Big Day is getting nearer. On May 17 we will start our waltzing 2.0 and it is very exciting. The other day we reached the point of no return and cancelled the contract for our rented house. A huge step! We are very busy now sorting all our stuff. Every single item that we touch now is valued. Will it join us at our waltzing? Will it be sold or given away? I would love to put a sticker on every bit at the moment so that I do not have to remember to which category I have put this specific object before. And sometimes of course we change our mind. Especially after talking about it. „Will you give your records away?“ „Yes of course!“ „But wouldn’t you like to keep your first self recorded LP?“ „Now that you mention it. Of course not!“

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Hello World – we are coming!

„Hello world“ is the standard example post in every fresh installed wordpress version. In our case, it fits! We say „hello world – we are coming“. Our website is now online and we hit the point of no return… In the next weeks we’ll post a bit of how we get ready for our project, how we prepare to be on tour for 2 years or maybe longer, carrying only a limited amount of clothing & stuff, having „no home“ for that time, and…. But one thing we can say by now: It’s more work than you would think. But it’s fun and we are really thrilled about it and looking forward to start in May!

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