Holiday Apartment Mosergut at Lungau

We have been given to the holiday apartment Mosergut at Lungau. It was the first time for us that we have been a present. How does it work when the client is far away and the beneficiary does not know anything about us? Do they want us at all? How will they receive us?


The secret about the present has been revealed some time before our arrival, so that we stood not completely unheralded in front of the door. And some information about us have also been forwarded.


Because our job were just the three totally new holiday flats it was a quite relaxing week. Our outdoor activities have been limited somehow by the weather, but it was still interesting.


Right after our arrival – even before we got our luggage out of the car – we did the photo shooting of the apartment where we stayed in. If we would have put our stuff inside it would not have made sense at all. Again we fought with the curtains. Can somebody please invent something?

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The apartements are in the homestead of the organic farm and you can get some yummy things right from there, which are delivered in a practical box right to the door. Very nice service!

The next day we shot the second flat. Again we struggled with the curtains.


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After that we went to the groceries. After a couple of month eating out in restaurants we could cook for ourselves. When there is an opportunity…

The next two days it was snowing so that we could hardly go out and could not do much work. An outdoor photo shooting in heavy snow does not make any sense.


We visited the cowshed and walked through Weißpriach. And we did some office work. There are some interview requests right now. Interesting! While it is snowing outside you can make yourself comfortable inside and answer some interview questions. Very well!

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We went to Tamsweg once for working, because the upload speed in Weißpriach is really really slooooooooooooooowwwww. Uploading pictures does not work at all. So we looked for a nice restaurant, where our handbag router worked.

When the snow stopped we walked to the Dicktlerhütte. There the oven is right in the middle of the restaurant. Kind of show cooking. But you can see that everything is prepared freshly.

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And finally we could do the outdoor shooting.


We also went to Mariapfarr. It is said that here the sun is shining every day. We did not really check it out but there is a weather station which records everything.

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We went to the theater. In St. Margarethen there is a very good theater group, that we have seen before. We were lucky to get tickets at such a short notice. We got even some in the first row. Well it is the participating row isn't it? But it was a very nice theater evening. We had so much fun. And the actors are very good.

In St. Rupert we visited the old church with very old frescoes. A must see!


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We did another outdoor shoot with the front during the blue hour.


And at our last day we went winter hiking again: Around the lake Preber (Prebersee). A nice short round with small dreamlike paths but also wide ways. Really nice!

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A little bit quieter week but interesting nonetheless.

Feeding Time in the Evening in the Cowshed

Snow Flurry in Weißpriach

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On our way to the Dicktlerhütte

Church St. Rupert


Winter Hiking at Prebersee

The Egg Providers – Chicken at the Organic Farm


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