Week 62: Siegerland-Wittgenstein

From Mattsee we went right away to Siegerland-Wittgenstein. Our travel lasted longer than expected because there was a lot of traffic and all the alternative routes have been blocked because of a sports event. But eventually we arrived at the Hotel Pfeffermühle and had our meeting about the program with a nice lunch in Deuz.


On the wishlist there were again far too many items. Somehow there seems to be a huge need for photos. Especially for owned material that you can use freely.


Our first task was a visit to a charcoal burner. Very interesting. We are always happy when we can document an old handicraft. But we are much more pleased when there are efforts to keep that handicraft alive. The charcoal burner that we visited is not only a member of an international charcoal burner society but has also three apprentices

They seem to have had the school holidays of their lives. They have to stay overnight right next to the charcoal stack and have to watch it carefully. But it is not just and adventure for them as they have a duty. And the know very well what they are doing and can explain a lot.

We found the smoke that constantly wells out of the stack and we could have watched for hours. By the way our stuff still smells of it. But the smell is quite nice.


By dealing with charcoal making you also learn about forestation and different forms of wood. Here you will find „Haubergwald“. For us it seems to be a sustainable form of forestation. As there are useful plants grown until new forest grows out of the old rootstock. Nowadays it is handled a bit different but the old form still exists.

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Our next aim was the spring of the Sieg. A small trickle coming from a swamp area.

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Right after that we went to see much more water: The Breitenbachtalsperre. A large water dam for drinking water, which is also a recreation area with walkways and a fitness parkour.


After that we saw our personal highlight: The Eisenstraße – iron way. A former transportation road. Still small and narrow, sometimes very straight and often bumpy. But nice and romantic. As you may only go by 40 km per hour you can really enjoy the road.


In the evening we visited the ruin of Ginsburg Castle. From the tower you have nearly a panoramic sight. The tower is also used as background for weddings and there is district office of the registry office.

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On our way back to the hotel the sundown was so beautiful that we decided to search for a hill to take some pictures. If you happen to know sunsets you will also know that you do not have much time. We had to find a spot very quickly and were lucky to find a small alley in a residential area.


While photographing the people right next to us in their garden saw us and spontaneously invited us on their balcony. From there we had a much better view. So we were standing their with this nice couple on their balcony and enjoyed the sunset. Thanks again for the invitation!

Right next morning we went back to the spring of the Sieg – but this time with models.

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We also took the models to Auerbachtal and did there some culinary photos.

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After a very yummy lunch we went on to the castle in Bad Berleburg. Here we strolled through the park and were totally fascinated by the outside staircases in front of nearly every house in the Schlossstraße.

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In a nice and funny coffee shop we got some refreshments and went back to the hotel for editing the photos. There have been so many pictures right in the beginning that it would take days to edit them all.


That is still something that not only our customers but also we ourselves keep on underestimating. But we are captivated by each new destination so that we keep on photographing without thinking about the consequences.

Wednesday afternoon we went to the center of Siegen. We searched and found the old town and very exited about the nicely painted junction boxes and the thoroughly designed tiny front gardens and lounges in the small alleys in front of the medieval houses. But also the pedestrian zone and the Sieg stairs are worth a visit.

The rest of the day was again sacrificed to editing. Until the blue hour. Then outdoor photos of the hotel have been on the agenda.


Thursday morning we arrived early at the upper castle (Oberes Schloß) in Siegen where we shot the Ruben’s gallery and the park.

In the park we met an elderly man who played Pokemon Go and explained to us that he likes to take pictures from google for his you tube videos. We tried to clarify that this is a no-go. But will it help?

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The rest of the Thursday was again dedicated to editing.

Friday there were even two culinary shootings on our agenda. One for lunch and one for dinner. At two different locations with two different pairs of models. Very practical because we could eat as well at the places.

Achim has met his former history teacher from school at one beer garden. Very funny.

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The evening location had an interesting concept. There were three different restaurants with different menus. And there was a guest chef. At present it was a chef from India who serves specially created dishes for the guests. Very exciting. It is nice to see that some gastronomes and hoteliers give thought to their business and differ from the standard. Even better though when the idea works.

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Saturday – what else to expect – was dedicated to editing. But late in the afternoon we had to make a break and went to Freudenberg. We did not want to leave before we had seen the Alte Flecken. It was worth while. This group of half timbered houses is breathtaking.

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Sunday was again all about photo and text editing. Normally it would be our moving or traveling day. But here we stay for one more day. And even then the sunday has been full of work…

We urgently have to change the time concept. After more than a year waltzing we still do not have enough time for us for recreation. Again and again we get carried away by the impressions and the wishes from our customers and do by far too much.

A lot of time could be saved though with a better planning. Quite often we come needlessly at a wrong time to a location or have to wait too long before we can get started. All this time is subtracted from our private time.

Meanwhile we have prepared a check list and hope that maybe in future it will improve. We will see.


Have a look at much more photos from the region Siegerland-Wittgenstein.


All Photos © Waltzing Meurers

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