Week 66 and 67: Porto and the North of Portugal

From Lisbon we drove towards a more quiet region: To Porto. To the little sister of the capital as they say.

We took two deviations from our route. First to Fatima with its huge monastery. But we actually did not see anything of it as there have not been any parking places left. Every place was occupied. And there are very many parking lots. Maybe it was because of the Sunday.

We went on to Coimbra. There we spent much more time. We walked through the alleys. Uphill and downhill and admired again beautiful houses decorated with tile pattern and squiggled balconies. It is a wonder that all still exists and there are no architectural blunders from the 70s or 80s.

In the early evening we checked into our hotel with a sea view. Here everybody was much more relaxed than in Lisbon. Breakfast here is nice and the Wifi works.

Right next morning we met another opt-out couple: Niko and Andrea from Hello_World. Together we explored the old town of Porto and had a lot to talk about and tipps to exchange. What a nice meeting.

Spontanes Treffen mit Andrea & Nico von helloworld by AchimMeurer.com .

In case you want to meet us as well, have a look at our tour dates. We are looking forward to meeting you!

We discovered huge parts of Porto and the surrounding.We visited insanely long beaches.

and discovered lovely villages and nice restaurants.

We watched sun sets.

Sonnenuntergang an der Küste von Porto in Portugal by Array. Sonnenuntergang an der Küste von Porto in Portugal by AchimMeurer.com .

Even if we sometimes got wet feet… ha. ha.


We did a live streaming of a sun set.


We have been to Aveiro – the Venice of Portugal

– and we have seen the striped houses of Costa Nova. Stunning.

Die Stadt Aveiro in Portugal by AchimMeurer.com . Die Stadt Aveiro in Portugal by AchimMeurer.com . Die Stadt Aveiro in Portugal by AchimMeurer.com .

We tried yummy things and discovered regional specialities.

Some tasty – some not…


But it doesn’t matter. You have to try them while you are there.

Die Stadt Aveiro in Portugal by AchimMeurer.com . Die Stadt Aveiro in Portugal by AchimMeurer.com .

Concerning our matter with the town of Bochum we actually managed to get a new badge organized from Portugal! Take that town of Bochum! But they still want 40 Euros from us. That is annoying.

P1060202 by .

From Porto we went again to Lissabon but again took a turn via a very adventorous street. But it offered us – again – a stunning view:


And then we had to say “Good Bye”. We had to drive to the airport, had to fill up our rental car and give it back. Unfortunately our flight to Cologne did not go very smooth. At the airport all systems failed and nobody could check in. So we stood there with all our luggage in the entrance hall and were completely lost.


But then we could go on. But once things were working again we had to hurry up, through the security check and we had to run to our plane. So there was no working at the airport after check in… At the airport in Cologne at the baggage claim the carousel stopped after five suitcases. And then our train was gone. The next train was 25 minutes late… That's how it goes once there is a jinx on it.


Finally we arrived…

Now we have to pack our suitcases completely new with winter stuff. And then we are off in two steps to Tirol again to the Tannheimer Tal.




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