How much do you need?

We have various time offers for you. From a daily rate for photography or a lecture to longer-term use.

  • 1-2 days on site
  • Photos
  • Speech
  • Workshop
  • At least 7 days on site
  • 24 hours working time per week
  • Empathize
  • Discover special POIs
  • Photos
  • Research
  • Training & Workshops
  • 4 weeks on site
  • 2 weeks of work
  • 2 x 24 hours
  • Wait for the best weather
  • Document weekend events
  • Photos
  • Research
  • Discover
  • Training & Workshops

“The high level of flexibility is also valuable. The special thing is that they are both on site and you can access them.”

Elisabeth Lerchner, Kirchenwirt Unken

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