Kategorie: Digital Nomads

Waltzing and WIFI

We are now for more than six months on the road and unfortunately had to realise that the supply with Wifi in hotels or apartments leaves a lot to be desired. When asked whether Wifi is provided normally the answer is: “Yes.” So far so good. Apart from the fun fact that we Meurers normally get the room, where there is no reception; the provided bandwidth is sometimes ridiculous. A little bit of internet is like a little bit pregnant Furthermore it is extremely annoying when there is wifi provided but in one or the other way restricted or limited. We came across funny versions during the last months: you can receive e-mails but cannot send any certain sites are blocked like google, dropbox, Facebook and co., medium, buzzfeed, onlinebanking, onlineshops, and much more hotels own site and others were blocked but  questionable sites could be reached no excess to our own cloud

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Buttermilch Behandlung für Seide

Doing Laundry while Waltzing

We are now for several weeks on the road and it was quickly clear what I miss very much: a washing machine. Even if you do not like in every day life to do the laundry with all its tasks we are missing those tasks now. With you own washing machine you can do your laundry whenever you want. Sometimes I startet a washing program five times a week though we are only 2 persons in our household. Okay; towels, sheets, curtains and carpets drop out. But still there are clothes to wash. At each new accommodation the question is not only: „Is there a WIFI?“ (that’s another story) but also: „Is there a washing machine?“. Most hotels or apartments do not offer such a service. So it’s is good will that our hosts allows us to use their private washing machine. That worked quite well so far. I could

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Walz Selfie

First Day Waltzing

It’s done. We are on our way. Waltzing. The last preparations were once again quite stressy. To give away all our food and spices was very difficult. We should talk about stockpiling… Packing was another challenge. A lot of things had to be left behind. Again big sacks were filled. Incredible! A small comfort is that we did not throw away our things but gave them to very nice people and know that they are welcome and will be used. If this would have landed in the trash… Awful! But finally everything was packed and even stored in the car. Rosalinde was on board… And we started. Our first stop is in the region Salzburgerland. Driving there felt strange and not real. It was not really clear that we will be going on and on and on. Maybe it will finally come to our minds. And maybe our nerves will calm

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