
Stadtansichten von Bremerhaven by Array.

Bremerhaven – Water, Ships and Fish

One thing struck us at our first discovery tour: Bremerhaven has much space. All streets and places are wide and vast and nothing is really narrow. Between the houses there is much space and you can always see far. You are always near to water. It looks quite strange when a car seems to drive over the water because the street is very near to the basin. Or when behind houses loading cranes are peeking out. The connection to shipping and fishing is omnipresent. City and Pedestrian Zone But also the city and the pedestrian zone are wide and vast. Inbetween is much space. Always something historical. An old industrial memorial. Or an old house. Right beside, but subtle connected there is something new. It is so much fun to look around here. Behind every corner there is something to admire. Like the university for applied science which is right

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Sonnenuntergang am Standrand von Wolfenbüttel by Array.

Summertime in Wolfenbüttel

Let’s talk about summertime. About freshness. No. Not about the fresh temperatures. But about fresh things that you can find now everywhere. Fresh vegetables, fresh herbs, fresh drinks, juicy fruits… Wolfenbüttel has been a gardener’s town. More than 100 gardeners grew vegetables and provided people with tubers and salads. Today unfortunately not much is left. But we looked out for some traces of the old times and searched for gardeners. When we were strolling through town we not only noticed the numerous half timbered houses with all the tiny details. But we also came across a special flower-bed. In front of the church St. Trinitatis. This one was looking different to the other flower-beds. And when you take a closer look you will realize. Those are no flowers. This is vegetable. In the middle of the city. No wonder. As this flower-bed is right beside the gardener’s memorial. And there

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Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by                     .

How To Make Mangold Strudel?

We tried it and cooked with freshly harvested ingredients from the region of Wolfenbüttel. Thanks to the kitchen staff of the Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel that we were allowed to look over their shoulder. And thanks for the Gemüsescheune that we could watch the harvesting. And thanks to the town’s gardener for the nice vegetable patch in the city. We want to make mangold strudel with a side salad. So let’s start. All the ingredients. Let’s first prepare the strudel dough. Mix egg, flour and water And knead it. Add oil and work it in. Do another pressure test. Let the dough rest for at least half an hour. During that time you can prepare the mangold. Wash the mangold, dry it and rip the stem out. Cut the stems. Cut the leaves. Peel onions and garlic and cut it. Sweat the onions and the garlic and add the stems Stirr

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Impressionen aus Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Ruhrgebiet , NRW by Achim Meurer.

Mülheim An Der Ruhr – Or A Collection Of Gems

Mülheim an der Ruhr; a part from the Ruhr area or somehow not really. Not anyway from the Ruhr area that is still in the head of the people. The dark, dirty, loud Ruhr area. Mülheim was one of the first towns that started with transformation. Towards green. But not only green but also comfortable and quiet. There are huge parks with old trees and beautiful alleys. But also wide meadows. Sometimes you can find sculptures or a rose garden with fountains. For the children there are playgrounds and everything is actively used. Also the Ruhr islands are green and the Ruhr promenade. Everywhere green. Lush green. Sometimes the watersides are overgrown so that you can hardly see the river. But then it blinks between the bushes and you can watch it flow slowly. We rented bicycles and went on one side of the Ruhr towards Essen Kettwig. We struggle

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DSC_0923_header_en by                     .

Cycle Marathon Tannheimer Tal 2017

The Cycle Marathon Tannheimer Tal 2017 lies behind us and though we have not been active participants the whole week was fun. I say the whole week because we have been their earlier for the preparations and for the racing bike week. The Cycle Marathon on Sundays is the highlight of the events. The Racing Bike Week It all starts on Monday afternoon with the first rides out. Those are meant for getting to know the different s and check out your performance „Will I manage?“. To benefit all there are up to five different rides out with different levels of difficulty. Those range from easy trips affectionately called „Cappuccino Round“ up to challenging pass tours. The Cappuccino round ist according to Marcel Wüst „for all those that regard a bicycle as a means of transport instead of a sports equipment“. Those trips are lead by well known and famous

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Hotel-Weinbergschloesschen-60-Jahre_9810-mit-Feuerwerk flatten by Array.

60 Years Hotel Weinbergschlösschen

Nowadays it is hard to survive for family run hotels. Therefore it is very nice for a change to be able to watch a small hotel to not only survive a couple of generations but to also grow and develop. Unfortunately it is more common to loose the connection to modern times. The hotel Weinbergschlösschen is a praiseworthy exception. The younger generation took over a couple of years ago and changed some things immediately. Amongst them also the name. ‚Bergschlösschen‘ became ‚Weinbergschlösschen‘. That was the beginning of a number of smaller and bigger changes: First the rooms were renovated in a very skillful way. Skillful means that the rooms are presented individually and fondly designed. If nothing else because of the self sketched and designed furnitures that even include clever details for the guests. Here you will find a plug at each bedside. Unfortunately this is still not common today

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Sankt Peter-Ording an der Nordsee by                     .

Sankt Peter Ording: Beach as far as you can look

Sankt Peter Ording does not really sound like a sexy holiday resort. But during the last years it has changed a lot. You do typically stay in SPO – as it is called – in holiday flats or houses. If possible in a thatched old house. But there are many varieties and hotel rooms and even camping grounds. The village is not big and you get along very easy within those three local centers ‚Bad‘, ‚Dorf‘ and ‚Böhl‘. There are shoppings streets to stroll around and take a walk but shortly behind those streets it gets really quiet. The way to the beach is short but the way on the beach is even longer instead. You can look very far and walk and you have to do some couple of thousands of steps before you get to the waterfront or ‚Waterkant‘ as it is called in the regional dialect. Your

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Die faszinierende Natur der Lüneburgerheide bei Bispingen by                     .

At the Luneburg Heath at Bispingen

The ‚Lüneburger Heide‘ – or Luneburg Heath. A well known landscape – like the Black Forests – and maybe it has the same problem. You would think that only senior bus groups are traveling there and that there is nothing but the moorland. Far wrong! Again. We have been very curious about this heath landscape and were really happy to see a sign „Welcome to the Luneburg Heathland“. But… We could not see any moorland but only fields and farm land. Then suddenly we spotted a glimpse of this typical scenery. Covered with heath and in-between now and then a tree. But then it was gone again as we drove by. First we went to our hotel. „Die schmucke Witwe“ – ‚The spruce widow‘. Only later on we learned about the history of this term during a guided tour. What a pity that the hotel itself does not provide the

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Deep-Purple-live-Hamburg-Concert-2017_8228 by                     .

Photos Deep Purple concert live in Hamburg 2017

This week we joined the Deep Purple concert in Hamburg. It’s the „inFinite – The Long Goodbye Tour“ – so maybe this was the last concert from Deep Purple ever in Hamburg 😉 I got a photo pass and collected some impressions of the legends of rock history.  The concert was awesome! Great musicians, great music, excellent show. If you get the chance to buy a ticket – do it! photos © WaltzingMeurers

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Wie macht man eine rheinische Rinderroulade? by                     .

How To Make Beef Olives?

At the Hotel zur Post Füllenbach they like to cook rhenish inbetween. Amongst others they serve beef olives with red cabbage and dumplings. Ingrediences You need for the beef olive: Beef, bacon, onions, gherkin, mustard, salt and pepper. Preparation Cut thin slices from the meat. Beat carefully so that the slices are flat. Cut the onions. Cut the gherkin in halves. Salt and pepper the meat Put some mustard on it Put the bacon on it Put some onions on one end Add some gherkins And roll tightly Fix with a toothpick Heat oil in a big pot Sear the beef olives Don’t turn them too early. They need some colour. Like that… Cut root vegetables into peaces And add it to the beef olives Let it all roast Add some tomato purée Mix it all Deglaze with some red wine Let it cook And stew everything for about two hours Preparation Red

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