
Herstellung eines Kräuter-Massage-Stempel in der Naturheilpraxis im Biohotel Helvetia by                     .

How to Make Herb Pouches

We had the chance to watch how individual composed her pouches for massages are made. Of course you need some linen and some strings. And herbs. Lots of herbs. But there are enough of those here. For inner or outer use. They are harvested in the herb garden right behind the house but also while walking or hiking in the nature. The selected herbs are put onto the prepared cloth. The choice depends on the effect you wish for. A lot of herbs fit into such a pouch. When there are enough herbs in the linen you can take the corners and carefully push the herbs together. You have to push hard because the pouches have to endure something afterwards. Do a quality check once in a while. Afterwards the pouch is tied. You have to be careful again and tie a very tight knot. After that the handle is

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Weihnachtsmarkt in Dortmund im Ruhrgebiet by                     .

Christmas Markets in the Ruhr Area

How about strolling over a Christmasmarket in nice warm clothes, looking for new ideas for gifts and having a hot drink in-between to warm up? We went around the different markets in the Ruhr area. Every one is different. Each one has its own specialities. But they are all nice and interesting. Hattingen The first Christmasmarket on our list was the nostalgic market in Hattingen. Already on our way to it we were lead by historic signs and passed by the house from mother Hulda. This house is also an Advent calendar. And mother Hulda herself opens a door each day and at the same time shakes her pillow. There might drop a gold taler or two. Behind her house the historic market begins at the church square, surrounded by half timbered houses. There are only a few booths, but there is a DIY corner, where children can bake cookies.

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Weinbergschloesschen-Kuechenparty-Food_6870 by                     .

Kitchenparty at the Weinbergschlösschen

Kitchen party? Of course. You know this from private birthday parties, when in the end everybody meets in the kitchen. Because it is so cozy. Exactly. With the kitchen party at the Hotel Weinbergschlössschen in Oberheimbach it works likewise. The only difference is that is takes not only place in the kitchen and that it is quite some work. But the guest can get very close.   It starts at six o’clock. The tables get filled up. The stations are prepared. The wine-growers have cooled their wine or opened it. The receptonists are waiting. The music is playing. Everything is well prepared in the kitchen. The service team is in standby position. Without any ceremony it starts. You stroll through the different conference rooms and function rooms, through the restaurant and the lobby. And the kitchen – of course. Everywhere there are stations, where somebody cooks or prepares a dish.

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Blitzrezept aus dem Weinbergschlösschen von Marc Lambrich by                     .

Fast Cooking: Mango-Nuts-Prawn-Salad

Another quick dish from Chef Marc Lambrich. Let’s go. We need prawns. and a mango. Pelle the mango and cut off the pulp. Cut the pulp into small pieces and put them into a bowl. Cut the green from spring onions into small rings and put them also into the bowl. Roast hazelnuts. Cut the prawns in half. Chop the hazelnuts and put them also into the bowl. Mix well. Roast the prawns shortly and decorate them on the salad. Ready! Enjoy! You can use peanuts or other nuts instead. All photos © Waltzing Meurers

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Blitzrezept aus dem Weinbergschlösschen von Marc Lambrich by                     .

Fast cooking: Tomatoe-Bacon-Roll

Chef Marc Lambrich from Hotel Weinbergschlößchen told us a recipe. In case you do not have much time for cooking or in the holiday flat you do not have many ingredients or much equipment, there are some dishes that do not need much effort but taste very good. Let’s get started. Roll out carefully the puff paste onto a drying up towel. put some melted butter or oil on it put slices of bacon on it add some tomatoe sauce rasp Parmesan cheese on it wrap the edge of the dough carefully and roll the dough using the drying up towel add some more melted butter and cut into small slices. Put the slices on a baking tray and bake it. Ready! Enjoy! Vegetariens can leave out the bacon or add other ingredients. All photos © Waltzing Meurers

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Die Fachwerkhäuser in Wolfenbüttel by                     .

Wolfenbüttel – Connection between Tradition and Modern Spirit

When you drive into the centre of Wolfenbüttel you will start to gasp about all these half-timbered houses. Behind each corner more half-timbered houses are waiting. One after the other. Old and stunning. And there is a castle and parks. Everything is old. And well preserved. You can get a guided tour with historical figures like the damsel, Casanova or Lessing. Talking about Lessing: You can visit the library with all theses old volumes as well. It is also very old. Or the town hall at the market place. Everything looks like some hundred years ago. And you can admire it all and take photos and visit it. But… Wolfenbüttel is no museum. It is not a dusty past but again and again succeeds in combining old and new. A bridge is built between tradition and present times. Let’s take the town hall for example. It is used. People work

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WIldschwein-Wrap in der Gaststätte Reitling #nhavo by                     .

How to Make a Venison Wrap

At the country inn Reitling we were allowed to have a look over the shoulder of the creative kitchen crew and learned how to make a venison wrap. Thanks for the opportunity! Let’s start: The meat of the saddle of the wild boar is trimmed. That means cords and other disturbing parts are cut off. Afterwards it is cut into slices which then are cut into quarters so that you get small and flat pieces. No we have all the ingredients. In a pot onions are heated and peppers are added and roasted. The meat is roasted in a pan. The rest of the chopped vegetabls is added, deglazed with the red wine and flambéed. Meanwhile you can decorate the plate with a little bit of salad and add the previously prepared tzatziki. Cream and spices are added to the vegetables and simmered. Then the vegetables are put onto a wheat

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Herbst-Landschaft #nhavo by                     .

One Week in the Northern Harz Foreland

Northern Harz foreland… that sounds a bit strange. What will we see there? How will it be? We asked ourselves before our journey. But then… After the exit from the highway we were surprised from the wideness. And the many alleys. We could not get enough from this view. Because there are not the usual chestnut or plane trees but here you will find fruit trees. And no monoculture but each tree is different. One has yellow apples the other one has red ones. Then there is a pear tree and after that a cherry tree. At once we asked us: who can harvest them? And we also saw some people picking apples. In case you want to get some of the fruits try this page: mundraub. Though we would have loved to try some of the fruits we wanted to reach our holiday flat. This lies in a historic

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4 Jahreszeiten im Tannheimer Tal

Year Round Holiday at Tannheimer Tal

We have been for the fourth time at the Tannheimer valley. One time in each season. But it never gets boring. The whole year round there is so much offered and there is also a lot going on the whole year. Lets start with the winter time. Of course it is all about snow and all connected activities like skiing, cross country skiing as well as ski tours and snow shoe hiking. Whether pure beginner or professional here you will find enough to choose of. But besides there is also a huge offer for people who are not at all interested in those boards under the feet. We have been totally thrilled by winter hiking without any special equipment. You go up by cable car and walk along prepared ways with normal winter shoes and can even climb up the one or other mountain top. Fantastic! If the Haldensee is frozen you

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Tannheimertal-Herbst-Speckknoedel-Adlerhorst_5110 by                     .

How to Make “Speckknödel”

At the Adlerhorst hut we ate such a good bacon dumpling that we asked whether we could watch one day how they are made. Thanks for the chance!   The base are cubes cut freshly out of own bread rolls (Semmeln). Then you need some homemade bacon, onions, leek, parsley and some spices, lard, milk and flour. The fine cut bacon is roasted and put on the bread cubes.   After that the fine cut parsley, leek and the spices are added.   The onions are roasted in greaves lard and are also added to the cubes.   Then the fluid is poured and everything is mixed. It may rest for a while.   Some flour is added and again everything is mixed. And the dumplings are formed.   After cooking serve them in a consommé with some fresh cut chive.   Enjoy your meal!! Thanks again to the team

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