Waltzing Meurers

Waltzing and Culinary Arts

For 42 weeks we are on the road now. That means 294 days eating in a restaurant or hotel. Or 833 meals. It is time to draw a conclusion about eating out and about culinary arts. Far too much convenience food We are simply spoken very disappointed. We have been most of the time in Germany and Austria and are shocked how much convenience food is used in the kitchens. It would not be as bad if it was very good convenience food. But there are bad and cheap products. And when we get those served in a restaurant and are supposed to pay for them then this is frightening. Vegeterian? Negative Furthermore there are hardly any offers for vegetarians. Well, we were told that at least in Germany this is not part of the training of a chef. In Austria it seems to be different. But it should be known

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Outdoor and Culture

Once again we were motivated by a blog carnival to think about a special subject. This time it was about culture and open air. We do not remember a special event but thought about what we have experienced during the last months and weeks. So many things catch our eyes while taking a walk or hiking. Also some very small and tiny things that you would not describe as outdoor culture. Of course there are big events or offers but the small ones that you discover casually stay in our minds because they have touched us emotionally. Let’s start from the beginning:   In Niedernsill there is a celtic place. We spent there some time and could imagine that a long long time ago something big has happened there. There is also a wonderful herbal garden which is open for public and free of charge and has become a meeting

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Photo of the Year 2015

At the beginning of the year we asked for your help to find our photo of the year. We were not able to decide ourselves. We finally had time to count all your comments and draw a winner. We had 23 comments with 22 votes. One comment did not vote for a specific photo (We told you. It was difficult) We only counted the first vote. So in case you mentioned place 1 to 3 we only took into account the number 1 picture . So the photo “Field” won with 6 votes.  Right behind followed the photo “Silent Night” with 3 votes. 8 more photos counted 2 or 1 votes each. Three photos did not get a vote at all. Those were: Umbrella 2 Sundown Saxony 2 Peter Van 2 Sunrise Black Forest 2 Rain Saxony 2 Forest in flower 1 Gföll Path 1 Hintersee 1 We found the winner by asking our

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Kornfeld Schwarzwald

A Review of the year’s events – 2015 the First Months of Waltzing

Quite late, but here it is: Our review of the year’s events At New Years Day in 2015 we would never have thought to be looking back at New Years Day 2016 to seven months of waltzing. Well. That’s life! You never know how things turn out! In January 2015 we worked out the concept for waltzing and adapted it a couple of times. In the middle of January we presented it at the tourism bar camp in Eichstätt and asked who would be interested in testing the concept. Shortly after that we received the first bookings. For May 2015! That was very quick! Now we had to prepare everything very very fast. That was: empty the house. In March we visited the ITB in Berlin to present our concept there as well. At the same time we already had received bookings for 33 weeks, so that we cancelled our

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Stille Nacht Salzburgerland

Our Top Photo(s) of 2015? We need Your Help!

Oh Dear… This is sooooo difficult to find the photo of the year 2015. We are waltzing since May 17, 2015 and have made so many pictures. At the end of each destination we already suffered to nominate the top x photos. Now the year 2015 is over and we try to elect THE photo of the year. We just can’t decide. So we ask you now: Which photo from this selection is the photo of the year 2015? Leave you choice in a comment! Or do you think it should be a different photo from us? We are curious about your opinions… Win a hand painted hiking map As a reward for your help we will give away in a drawing between all that leave a comment a hand painted map from Dr. Böhm.

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Statistik 2015

201 Tage unterwegs in 15 Regionen 19334 Kilometer gefahren 4260 Fotos geliefert Blogposts (70 DE & 76 EN) 3359 Tweets   Was bedeuten nun diese Zahlen? pro Tag haben wir rund 21 Fotos abgeliefert für ein Foto mussten wir im Schnitt 4,5 km fahren dabei haben wir knapp die Hälfte der Länge des Äquators zurückgelegt wir haben pro Woche rund 5 Blogposts geschrieben und knappe 17 Tweets pro Tag verfasst … Diese lustigen Rechnungen könnte man noch eine Weile weiterführen. Aber eine wichtige Zahl habe ich noch für Euch: Wir haben mal die Kosten pro Woche grob zusammengetragen. Und das mal nur auf die Fotos umgelegt (es gibt ja noch ne Menge mehr an Output!) kamen wir auf einen Preis von rund 9 Euro pro Foto! Da kann doch keiner Meckern 😉

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Dancing in the rain - Spaziergang im Regen im Lausitzer Seenland

Waltzing Concept

Why our Walzting Concept is how it is & Why it should not be changed   We have very much thought about our concept and changed it several times. But this was just theory. Therefore originally we wanted to try a testing phase for about three month in order to find out whether the concept would work. But the test phase became our waltzing and so we tested it while actually waltzing. And it worked fine for a couple of months. In the meantime though we also did unintentionally a cross-check. One destination wanted at all costs to change the concept. Several times we indicated that this would not work out. Our biggest mistake was that we did not insist that our concept would be accepted or we would not come at all. We thought we will try it and somehow it will work. Now we know: Our concept is fine

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Waltzing and WIFI

We are now for more than six months on the road and unfortunately had to realise that the supply with Wifi in hotels or apartments leaves a lot to be desired. When asked whether Wifi is provided normally the answer is: “Yes.” So far so good. Apart from the fun fact that we Meurers normally get the room, where there is no reception; the provided bandwidth is sometimes ridiculous. A little bit of internet is like a little bit pregnant Furthermore it is extremely annoying when there is wifi provided but in one or the other way restricted or limited. We came across funny versions during the last months: you can receive e-mails but cannot send any certain sites are blocked like google, dropbox, Facebook and co., medium, buzzfeed, onlinebanking, onlineshops, and much more hotels own site and others were blocked but  questionable sites could be reached no excess to our own cloud

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Pit Stop – Part 2

In the mean time Achim has survived the second surgery. Everything went well and he is slowly recovering. The month of November was quite emotional with some drastic events (see pit stop part 1). Waiting for the results of the surgery. Completely emptying the house. Giving away last things. Being without a residence. All the paper work for signing off and terminating contracts. Unfortunately this does not work at the first correspondence. You can quickly sing in for something but it is very difficult to sing off. It gets even more interesting when you have to get money back for example from the local energy supplier. They have a lot of time, but when you owe them then they contact you very quickly. Let’s see how long it will take until everything is cleared… Part Two took place in Germany. Again very emotional with a hospital stay and all actions

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Autowäsche Freudenstadt

Pit stop

Observing readers have already asked where we are at the moment. In our tour dates you will find “blocked”. The whole month of November we left free for a lot of organizational things, which occur, when you give up everything. And of course there are some things that have not been planned at all – like always in life… We are back in Austria at the moment, where we still have a second home. The hiring contract expires and we have to prepare everything for the handing over. Which means to give away last things, get rid of stuff and clean the house. Our car need winter tires. After all we will soon be in winter holiday destinations. Therefore we have to change the content of our suitcases. Out with the thin summer dresses and give me the skiing underwear and the down jacket. Not to forget wooly hat, scarf

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