
My Speech for IDAHOBIT 2024

For the first time I joined an event for IDAHOBIT and I directly was engaged actively by holding a speech. Those who do not know what IDAHOBIT is: It is an international day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. It is held annually on the 17th of May. At the event in Tallinn, Estonia I contributed the following speech: Representation saves lives! This month is pride month and we already had Lesbian visibility week. In March we celebrated the international women’s day. Why do we need all these special days? Because there is still so much to do in this world and in this society. All the wonderful people that differ just a little bit from a social standardized norm feel that they do not belong. They feel not seen. Not heard. They don’t get medical support or help. They feel alone. And they think that somethings wrong with them. But

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Stadtansichten von Bremerhaven by Array.

Bremerhaven – Water, Ships and Fish

One thing struck us at our first discovery tour: Bremerhaven has much space. All streets and places are wide and vast and nothing is really narrow. Between the houses there is much space and you can always see far. You are always near to water. It looks quite strange when a car seems to drive over the water because the street is very near to the basin. Or when behind houses loading cranes are peeking out. The connection to shipping and fishing is omnipresent. City and Pedestrian Zone But also the city and the pedestrian zone are wide and vast. Inbetween is much space. Always something historical. An old industrial memorial. Or an old house. Right beside, but subtle connected there is something new. It is so much fun to look around here. Behind every corner there is something to admire. Like the university for applied science which is right

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Stadtansichten von Bremerhaven by Achim Meurer.

Week 115: Bremerhaven

From Wolfenbüttel we went to Bremerhaven. The highways have been really full and there have been huge traffic jams which we avoided with a nice detour with beautiful roads and old trees and lovely villages. We could have been shortly before two o’clock at our holiday flat if there would not have been a road block some hundred meters before our accomodation. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/894177581968355329 The satnav send us around but the road block stayed in our way. When we saw some runners we knew there was a sports event. Nothing doing! We tried to call the Aparthotel but nobody answered. We tried the number on the booking confirmation and learned that we should pick up the keys for the flat at the hotel. Seriously? But how do we get to the hotel? Through a marathon? Shortly before three o’clock we arrived at the hotel got the keys and some water. But

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Sonnenuntergang am Standrand von Wolfenbüttel by Array.

Summertime in Wolfenbüttel

Let’s talk about summertime. About freshness. No. Not about the fresh temperatures. But about fresh things that you can find now everywhere. Fresh vegetables, fresh herbs, fresh drinks, juicy fruits… Wolfenbüttel has been a gardener’s town. More than 100 gardeners grew vegetables and provided people with tubers and salads. Today unfortunately not much is left. But we looked out for some traces of the old times and searched for gardeners. When we were strolling through town we not only noticed the numerous half timbered houses with all the tiny details. But we also came across a special flower-bed. In front of the church St. Trinitatis. This one was looking different to the other flower-beds. And when you take a closer look you will realize. Those are no flowers. This is vegetable. In the middle of the city. No wonder. As this flower-bed is right beside the gardener’s memorial. And there

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Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by AchimMeurer.com                     .

How To Make Mangold Strudel?

We tried it and cooked with freshly harvested ingredients from the region of Wolfenbüttel. Thanks to the kitchen staff of the Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel that we were allowed to look over their shoulder. And thanks for the Gemüsescheune that we could watch the harvesting. And thanks to the town’s gardener for the nice vegetable patch in the city. We want to make mangold strudel with a side salad. So let’s start. All the ingredients. Let’s first prepare the strudel dough. Mix egg, flour and water And knead it. Add oil and work it in. Do another pressure test. Let the dough rest for at least half an hour. During that time you can prepare the mangold. Wash the mangold, dry it and rip the stem out. Cut the stems. Cut the leaves. Peel onions and garlic and cut it. Sweat the onions and the garlic and add the stems Stirr

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Mangold ernten im Gemüsebeet in Wolfenbüttel by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 113 and 114: Working on Projects and Wolfenbüttel

After our stay in Mülheim an der Ruhr we had some days off and used the time not for leisure but we instead used them for work. This time we worked on some other projects. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/890931675601010693 I went on with writing my book and really managed to finish the first text version. Yeah! Now I will start with proofreading and then of course I have to search for the adequate photos. Phew! That will be quite some work, too. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/890981426010738688 Achim worked on a photo calendar and on a photo book at the same time. Yes! There will be two different photo calendars in 2018 in cooperation and there will be a photo book. Details will be provided soon. The most difficult part was to select the photos. And assigning them to the respective month in the calendar. And then the job files have to be prepared as well. All

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Fahrradtour Mülheim - Kettwig - Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Ruhrgebiet, NRW by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 112: Mülheim An Der Ruhr

For traveling from the Tannheimer Tal to Mülheim we had two days. Very good. As for the weekend massive traffic had been forecasted because of the start of the summer holidays in some federal states. Nevertheless we got through very well and went quite far. Towards our old home. We went to our favorite Italian restaurant and looked for a nice sleeping place. We stopped for a short visit and went on towards Mülheim. We checked in to our holiday flat around noon. Well there have been some surprises. But I need some material for my book… https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/886912292746670080 In the afternoon we had our first meeting with our customer. Everything was well prepared – thanks to our checklist. Something new was a first discovery tour right after the meeting. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/886972435177897985 Maybe we should  include this into our list. While driving around we could exclude a lot of fotopoints from our

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Ausblick vom Restaurant Zugspitzblick in Zöblen Tannheimertal, Tirol by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 111: Tannheimer Tal After The Cycle Marathon

After the Cycle Marathon we were supposed to do much more photos. With models and at different selected places. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/884356991115825152 But weather was not playing along at all. For the time of the year and this area that was quite unusual. Cold and grey you only know from different areas. One afternoon we could do some photo shooting. But many other photo shootings had to be canceled. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/885477244159832064 We had enough to do though as the cycle marathon had produced so much material that we spent quite some time sorting it out and editing. We had to post on Facebook and twitter and had to link everything to each other. There were many further enquiries and requests. With 2000 participants it had to be expected that there would be a huge interest afterwards. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/885134627911983106 We had to go to the camping ground for washing our clothes. This is much more

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Impressionen aus Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Ruhrgebiet , NRW by Achim Meurer.

Mülheim An Der Ruhr – Or A Collection Of Gems

Mülheim an der Ruhr; a part from the Ruhr area or somehow not really. Not anyway from the Ruhr area that is still in the head of the people. The dark, dirty, loud Ruhr area. Mülheim was one of the first towns that started with transformation. Towards green. But not only green but also comfortable and quiet. There are huge parks with old trees and beautiful alleys. But also wide meadows. Sometimes you can find sculptures or a rose garden with fountains. For the children there are playgrounds and everything is actively used. Also the Ruhr islands are green and the Ruhr promenade. Everywhere green. Lush green. Sometimes the watersides are overgrown so that you can hardly see the river. But then it blinks between the bushes and you can watch it flow slowly. We rented bicycles and went on one side of the Ruhr towards Essen Kettwig. We struggle

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Vorbereitungen Rad-Marathon Tannheimer Tal 2017 by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 109 and 110: Cycle Marathon Tannheimer Tal 2017

After the huge event at the Hotel Weinbergschlösschen, we had some days off and used them for meeting old acquaintances and friends. It is amazing that, now that we are traveling all the time, we meet much more classmates, friends, family members or acquaintances. When we were settled it was very complicated to meet. We thought about a date, but then it would not be possible. Then somebody else could not make. Then something unexpected happened… But now, we call with a very short notice when we are around and mostly it is: „Yes, please! Come and visit us!“. And we have sooooooo much to talk about. And we will sit together and have a glass or two and talk and talk and talk. It is striking how many people we have met so far. And we love it! https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/880707538030919681 Then we went on to the Tannheimer Tal. We have

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