
Heidebloggertreffen in Bispingen in der Lüneburger Heide by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 104: Heidebloggerevent in Bispingen at the Luneburg Heath

We had another premiere this week. We attended a travel blogger meeting. We do not regard ourselves as travel blogger but we call ourselves ‚content producers‘ because we do not fill our own blog with stories but give away the photos we shoot and the texts we write and publish very often as guest bloggers. Read our photostory: At the Luneburg Heath at Bispingen Therefore we do not care as much about our own blog as travel bloggers would do. Furthermore you won’t find any hard facts on our site. I do not write about historic dates, opening hours, entry fees or other details. Instead we want to inspire. It is all about making the reader want to go where we have been and visit the hotel or the destination. Thus the Heide blogger event – as it was called – was a tantalizing experiment. We tried out whether such an

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Shot with DxO ONE by Achim Meurer.

Week 102: Two Wine Grower And One School Band

From the cuddling hotel we went directly to South Tyrol to the wine maker Castelfeder. They needed new photos from the persons and the family but also from the wine yards and bottles. The weather was not too good, but it was really nice to be back in Neumarkt after one year.   On our way towards the South we planned to have an overnight stay in Kastelruth. This village is famous for a band and Kastelruth was full of music. That was funny. Our journey was accompanied by traffic jam informations from the radio. We took a detour around the huge jam on the Brenner Highway by driving simply on the road next to the highway. But after that our sat nav thought it should send us into the mountains and back. We have to admit it was a nice street, though, but we arrived on the very same street,

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Neue Suiten im Kuschelhotel Seewirt Mattsee im Salzburgerland, by Array.

Week 101: Cuddling Hotel Seewirt at Lake Mattsee

We went directly from the ABC Star Conference in the evening through pouring rain to the Cuddling Hotel Seewirt at lake Mattsee. We have been here before several times and it is always nice. At any season. This time it was all about new hotel photos, because there are wonderful new suites. Nice and big. With a bath tub in front of the window with lake view. Or even with own sauna and a wooden tub outside. We had to put a spotlight on these new rooms. At sunrise or late in the evening with the fireplace. That was a lot of work. Like always we struggled with the bedclothes and the curtains. Classic. But – like always – it was worth the effort. In between we walke around Mattsee and took some spring impressions. Weather was again pur April. From early summer temperatures to some centimeters of snow we

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Ostern 2017

Week 99 and 100: Hart bei Graz & ABCstar Linz

From Salzburg Land we travelled still feeling little bit under the weather to Hart bei Graz. Around Easter we are normally not booked so we nowadays reserve this time for visits to our family or friends or just for us. We went again to Hart bei Graz amongst others to have our car furnitures checked by the genius Günter from Creative Service. Having been driving around for a couple of hundreds kilometers one thing or the other has warped or even got loose. This was changed or repaired and we additionally got matching wooden boxes for our shelves. The plastic ones we had bought were already broken and there are hardly fitting boxes available for our custom-fit shelf. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/854716928644063232 https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/854717015357104130 The weather was typical for April. From the first barbecue in the garden https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/851451580029296641 to some snow flakes and icy temperatures we experienced every thing that week. Achim was cooking

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Frühling im Saalachtal im Salzburgerland by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 98: Salzburg Land

From the Vinocamp we went directly to Salzburg Land. But with one stop over. Our very first night in our car: Matilda. We got a very good tipp for a restaurant along the highway A 8 and looked out for a nice place to stay overnight and to sleep. But it was very very cold that night. And we should have tried our park heating before. Anyway. Now we know more. The next day I was ill, though. In the afternoon we had a very interesting meeting with potential business partners and afterwards we went to the hotel and I went straight away into the bed and stayed there for a whole week. Achim also got ill so that this week was a compulsory break for us. All the things that we had planned for that week had to be cancelled and out to do list got longer. At the

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Unser neues Walzmobil: Matilda - Ford Transit Custom by Array.

Week 97: Old Home and Vinocamp

Right after Hotel zur Post in Bonn-Beuel we stayed a while at the area because we had no further booking. As I broke of a small part of a tooth we first went to see a dentist. Of course on Mondays you don’t get an appointment but two days later I got two brand new fillings. But one thing after the other: Matilda First we took some nice photos from Matilda – our waltzing vehicle – in Büllesfeld. We also made the pictures from Petervan there.   MEETCologne We have also been to a very interesting event: MEETCologne. A lot of convention organizers and event hosts were present and we met some people again that we knew from other events. We learned a lot about some regions. There were quite new things and surprising information. We also took many ideas, contacts and small presents with us. It has been a very

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Shot with DxO ONE by Array.

Week 94: Final Car Equipment and Barcamp Bonn

From Graz we went towards Bonn or rather our old home. There we met some old friends, visited our parents and finished our car equipping. ‘Matilda’ needed absolutely some curtains. We wanted to be able to darken it in case we want to sleep in the car and on the other hand nobody should be able to look inside when we park the car. So we bought some darkening fabric and the very talented Bahija sewed this time curtains for Matilda instead of oriental costumes. For the mounting we got creative ourselves and squeezed a pull-out shower curtain bar behind the driver’s cab. There hangs a loop curtain. At the side window some sewn in magnets hold the cloth and in the back two s-shaped hooks are holding the bar. The curtain is fixed with clipping rings. And then  we bought some boxes to organize our belongings in the different

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Week 95 and 96: Hotel zur Post in Bonn

For week 95 and 96 we directly stayed in Bonn. Hotel zur Post in Bonn-Beuel is a family run hotel in the fifth generation and needed urgently new hotel photos. During the last years they have invested a lot into new rooms and meeting rooms. So there was enough to photograph to show the different type of rooms and the event rooms in different situations after the renovation. Nice, isn’t it?   We have stayed in the apartment house and very much enjoyed to go to the river Rhine after the photo shoots and to collect shells. Yes, there are shells in the Rhine. We also enjoyed sunsets, visited to public book shelf and had some ice creams. It’s spring time! We also went into the kitchen of the restaurant and learned how to make potato fritter. And we documented another traditional dish: beef olives with red cabbage and dumplings.

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Shot with DxO ONE by AchimMeurer.com.

Week 93: Our Waltzing Vehicle was equipped

Week 93 was all about wood and constructing. Our new Waltzing Vehicle ‘Matilda’ was equipped near Graz – where we have lived for four years – and got beautiful wooden furniture. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/795687507480428544 We already hat thought about the interior for hours and have drawn sketches. But now it got serious. The material was ordered and we were ready to start the equipping. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/836654990651502593 First the car got an isolation. Some parts got two or even three layers. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/836656126498308096 Achim has been all the time in the workshop and helped. After that the cabinets and storage rooms was built. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/837009769051394049 Again and again the pieces had to be adjusted because inside of the car there was no straight line. Everywhere something stood out or there were slants. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/837367186918375425 The furniture had to carried in and out each time and had to be assembled anew. What a job. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/837744819812331524 But Günther from ‘Creative Service’

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Aktiv-Sport-Hotel-Pirna_2630_HDR by Array.

Week 92: Still in Pirna

What a luxury! We did not have to move at all. We stayed in Pirna. Well not all the time. Just for our hotel accommodation.  We are getting used to our new car “Matilda”. Parking is different now and some car parks we cannot use any more because of the hight. Everything is new… Sunday we did a short trip. We have been in the region a couple of times but we never managed to use the historical lift in Bad Schandau. But this time we did it and went up to enjoy the view. Afterwards we walked along the river Elbe a bit on the promenade. Georgeous. In the evening we went again to the cinema and afterwards visited a famous restaurant in Pirna. If you need tipps. We now know quite a bit in Pirna… We sent out the prizes for our voters for our photo of the

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