Lower Saxony

Sonnenuntergang am Standrand von Wolfenbüttel by Array.

Summertime in Wolfenbüttel

Let’s talk about summertime. About freshness. No. Not about the fresh temperatures. But about fresh things that you can find now everywhere. Fresh vegetables, fresh herbs, fresh drinks, juicy fruits… Wolfenbüttel has been a gardener’s town. More than 100 gardeners grew vegetables and provided people with tubers and salads. Today unfortunately not much is left. But we looked out for some traces of the old times and searched for gardeners. When we were strolling through town we not only noticed the numerous half timbered houses with all the tiny details. But we also came across a special flower-bed. In front of the church St. Trinitatis. This one was looking different to the other flower-beds. And when you take a closer look you will realize. Those are no flowers. This is vegetable. In the middle of the city. No wonder. As this flower-bed is right beside the gardener’s memorial. And there

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Wie macht man einen Mangoldstrudel - kochen im Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel by AchimMeurer.com                     .

How To Make Mangold Strudel?

We tried it and cooked with freshly harvested ingredients from the region of Wolfenbüttel. Thanks to the kitchen staff of the Jugendgästehaus in Wolfenbüttel that we were allowed to look over their shoulder. And thanks for the Gemüsescheune that we could watch the harvesting. And thanks to the town’s gardener for the nice vegetable patch in the city. We want to make mangold strudel with a side salad. So let’s start. All the ingredients. Let’s first prepare the strudel dough. Mix egg, flour and water And knead it. Add oil and work it in. Do another pressure test. Let the dough rest for at least half an hour. During that time you can prepare the mangold. Wash the mangold, dry it and rip the stem out. Cut the stems. Cut the leaves. Peel onions and garlic and cut it. Sweat the onions and the garlic and add the stems Stirr

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Mangold ernten im Gemüsebeet in Wolfenbüttel by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 113 and 114: Working on Projects and Wolfenbüttel

After our stay in Mülheim an der Ruhr we had some days off and used the time not for leisure but we instead used them for work. This time we worked on some other projects. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/890931675601010693 I went on with writing my book and really managed to finish the first text version. Yeah! Now I will start with proofreading and then of course I have to search for the adequate photos. Phew! That will be quite some work, too. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/890981426010738688 Achim worked on a photo calendar and on a photo book at the same time. Yes! There will be two different photo calendars in 2018 in cooperation and there will be a photo book. Details will be provided soon. The most difficult part was to select the photos. And assigning them to the respective month in the calendar. And then the job files have to be prepared as well. All

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Die faszinierende Natur der Lüneburgerheide bei Bispingen by AchimMeurer.com                     .

At the Luneburg Heath at Bispingen

The ‚Lüneburger Heide‘ – or Luneburg Heath. A well known landscape – like the Black Forests – and maybe it has the same problem. You would think that only senior bus groups are traveling there and that there is nothing but the moorland. Far wrong! Again. We have been very curious about this heath landscape and were really happy to see a sign „Welcome to the Luneburg Heathland“. But… We could not see any moorland but only fields and farm land. Then suddenly we spotted a glimpse of this typical scenery. Covered with heath and in-between now and then a tree. But then it was gone again as we drove by. First we went to our hotel. „Die schmucke Witwe“ – ‚The spruce widow‘. Only later on we learned about the history of this term during a guided tour. What a pity that the hotel itself does not provide the

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Heidebloggertreffen in Bispingen in der Lüneburger Heide by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 104: Heidebloggerevent in Bispingen at the Luneburg Heath

We had another premiere this week. We attended a travel blogger meeting. We do not regard ourselves as travel blogger but we call ourselves ‚content producers‘ because we do not fill our own blog with stories but give away the photos we shoot and the texts we write and publish very often as guest bloggers. Read our photostory: At the Luneburg Heath at Bispingen Therefore we do not care as much about our own blog as travel bloggers would do. Furthermore you won’t find any hard facts on our site. I do not write about historic dates, opening hours, entry fees or other details. Instead we want to inspire. It is all about making the reader want to go where we have been and visit the hotel or the destination. Thus the Heide blogger event – as it was called – was a tantalizing experiment. We tried out whether such an

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Die Fachwerkhäuser in Wolfenbüttel by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 71 – Wolfenbüttel: Half-Timbered Houses and More

From the contemplative Northern Harz Foreland we went to Wolfenbüttel. Right into old half-timbered houses. But we did not only admire the beautiful partitions but we also had a look behind the facades and learned about such interesting projects and met many amazing persons that want to make a change and are passionate. That was a really really nice experience and reassuring. Which projects and concepts we experienced you can read Wolfenbüttel – Connection between Tradition and Modern Spirit We stayed in a very nice holiday flat with a very nice kitchen and a stove. We searched further for a waltz vehicle and found something in Wolfenbüttel. And… tadaaaaaa! We booked a holiday. Yes!!! We want to really relax and chill out and are definitely looking forward to it! While Achim still fights his cold I got a biceps tendon irritation which is not only quite painful but also the

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Die Fachwerkhäuser in Wolfenbüttel by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Wolfenbüttel – Connection between Tradition and Modern Spirit

When you drive into the centre of Wolfenbüttel you will start to gasp about all these half-timbered houses. Behind each corner more half-timbered houses are waiting. One after the other. Old and stunning. And there is a castle and parks. Everything is old. And well preserved. You can get a guided tour with historical figures like the damsel, Casanova or Lessing. Talking about Lessing: You can visit the library with all theses old volumes as well. It is also very old. Or the town hall at the market place. Everything looks like some hundred years ago. And you can admire it all and take photos and visit it. But… Wolfenbüttel is no museum. It is not a dusty past but again and again succeeds in combining old and new. A bridge is built between tradition and present times. Let’s take the town hall for example. It is used. People work

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WIldschwein-Wrap in der Gaststätte Reitling #nhavo by AchimMeurer.com                     .

How to Make a Venison Wrap

At the country inn Reitling we were allowed to have a look over the shoulder of the creative kitchen crew and learned how to make a venison wrap. Thanks for the opportunity! Let’s start: The meat of the saddle of the wild boar is trimmed. That means cords and other disturbing parts are cut off. Afterwards it is cut into slices which then are cut into quarters so that you get small and flat pieces. No we have all the ingredients. In a pot onions are heated and peppers are added and roasted. The meat is roasted in a pan. The rest of the chopped vegetabls is added, deglazed with the red wine and flambéed. Meanwhile you can decorate the plate with a little bit of salad and add the previously prepared tzatziki. Cream and spices are added to the vegetables and simmered. Then the vegetables are put onto a wheat

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Herbst-Landschaft #nhavo by AchimMeurer.com                     .

One Week in the Northern Harz Foreland

Northern Harz foreland… that sounds a bit strange. What will we see there? How will it be? We asked ourselves before our journey. But then… After the exit from the highway we were surprised from the wideness. And the many alleys. We could not get enough from this view. Because there are not the usual chestnut or plane trees but here you will find fruit trees. And no monoculture but each tree is different. One has yellow apples the other one has red ones. Then there is a pear tree and after that a cherry tree. At once we asked us: who can harvest them? And we also saw some people picking apples. In case you want to get some of the fruits try this page: mundraub. Though we would have loved to try some of the fruits we wanted to reach our holiday flat. This lies in a historic

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Landschaft im Morgennebel - Nördliches Harzvorland - #nHavo by AchimMeurer.com                     .

Week 70 Northern Harz Foreland

From Tannheimer Tal to the Northern Harz Foreland. What ist there anyway? Never heard of it! A glance to the sat nav reveals ‚former border to the GDR‘. Oh! Yes. Our holiday flat lies only a stone’s throw away from the border facilities in an old railway station building. The flat is huge, has a washing machine and a perfectly equipped kitchen. A welcome change for a hotel room. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/787675124929531905 The first morning we wanted to have breakfast somewhere but in the villages there was no cafe. Everything was darf and quiet. In the fifth village we just wanted to buy some buns and cheese instead but also the corner shop was dark. But it was open though. Here you have to have a very close look. Otherwise you will miss a lot. First learnings! The corner shop was well-assorted and offered nearly everything up to school cones and underwear.

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