Waltzing Meurers

Teilnehmer Rad-Marathon Tannheimer Tal 2017 by Array.

Cycle Marathon – The Story Behind The Photo

As announced earlier we want to talk sometimes about the making of of some photos to show how we work. Let’s start with the Cycle Marathon Tannheimer Tal 2017. Our aim was clear: Document the Cycle Marathon 2017. It was important to catch the mood and the preparations. But also to show where the marathon takes place. You should see that it is the marathon at the Tannheimer Tal. We arrived on Sunday and moved into our flat at the start-finish area. On Monday morning we had our first meeting: https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/881870985561071617 On that day it was important to learn about what will happen when and where and what we should cover. One thing was the above mentioned showing where the marathon takes place. For the athletic photos other photographers have been hired. They have been waiting at spectacular places for active scenes. So it was quite clear for us: We

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New Series: The Story Behind The Photo…

There will be a new series here in our blog: The story behind the photo… Every now and then we encounter astonished customers when we explain how we work. Though we have a checklist for potential customers there still remains questions. In the mean time it is legendary that we insist on ironing the bed sheets and curtains for a hotel room photo shooting. https://twitter.com/MoFritsch/status/883300932305506304 But this preparation is by no means the whole work. For many photos it will need much more preparation work. And of course editing. But might be a different blog post series. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/874298706799063041 For now we stay with the preparations. Why do we put so much effort into it? Well it is quite simple: The quality is right. We are booked because of our quality of work. Everybody, that calls for us, wants such beautiful photos. We are astonished all the more so since that some

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Shot with DxO ONE by AchimMeurer.com.

Week 93: Our Waltzing Vehicle was equipped

Week 93 was all about wood and constructing. Our new Waltzing Vehicle ‘Matilda’ was equipped near Graz – where we have lived for four years – and got beautiful wooden furniture. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/795687507480428544 We already hat thought about the interior for hours and have drawn sketches. But now it got serious. The material was ordered and we were ready to start the equipping. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/836654990651502593 First the car got an isolation. Some parts got two or even three layers. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/836656126498308096 Achim has been all the time in the workshop and helped. After that the cabinets and storage rooms was built. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/837009769051394049 Again and again the pieces had to be adjusted because inside of the car there was no straight line. Everywhere something stood out or there were slants. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/837367186918375425 The furniture had to carried in and out each time and had to be assembled anew. What a job. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/837744819812331524 But Günther from ‘Creative Service’

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Week 73: Pit Stop

After the kitchen party at the Weinbergschlösschen we went to our old homeland – to Graz – for a pit stop. This week had not been booked so one day we decided to put no further effort in it to sell it but to use it as a break. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/795687507480428544?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw So we planed the interior of our new car, which wasn’t that easy. Plans were changed several times. Things were measured, discussed what could fit where, and plans redrawn. Sketches were complemented only to be discarded afterwards. At the moment there exists one version which has not been changed for a couple of days… Let’s see… https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/795945045593587712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Achim tried to get rid of his horrible cold. I have been to another therapist with my shoulder. He thinks that it is an over expansion of the joint capsule. He showed me some exercises that I am doing now. It looks like

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Week 54: At the Kannenbäckerland

We stayed in Rhineland-Palatinate and drove from the Ahrtal to the Westerwald. We stayed at hotel Zugbrücke. A great conference hotel with perfect rooms and very fast Wifi. Hallelujah! A small meeting room was our office for this week. That was pure luxury. After our usual schedule planning we strolled through Grenzau. Well we admit, this is done fast, but you will recognize quickly that there is one main topic: ceramic. Everywhere you see things made out of ceramic. Pots, vases, house numbers, figures and even the village map. It seems there is nothing that cannot be made of ceramic. Because the weather has not been very cooperative this week we first did everything indoor. For example hotel photos. From the bar, the huge buffet or the staff. But also from the spa department… Sometimes it is good, when you have to be the model… Wednesday has not been so

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On the Malerweg – Stage 4

Today we walked a part of the Malerweg, Stage 4. For the whole Malerweg or a complete stage we unfortunately do not have the time. But a part of a stage is just as interesting. We choose the Schrammsteine and started in Ostrich. From the first meters on the way is beautiful. You walk through the forest and after each curve you have a new view. You walk through a hollow way. Or walk on a broad way with light woods on the side. Or you walk through a darker part where plants grow thickly and stones carry moss. It will never get boring. Everywhere small paths depart from the trail, which are for climbers. We let them best and stayed on the track of the Malerweg. By the way: Each rock here has its own name. Some are chosen after the form others are from the climbers that reached

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1 Year Waltzing

One year ago we started waltzing. A whole year. On May 17, 2015 we did not know, what we would experience, what to expect, which problems would occur. But we were looking forward to it. That we finally could start. That we could do what we love. https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/599861795357089792?lang=de Now we are already living one year without a flat, without own furniture or cleaning or groceries, without lawn mowing or electricity bill or putting the bin out. And it is still so much fun. Being without own furniture is no problem. Mostly we have a very nice and large hotel room, which is enough for us to feel comfortable. Being without an office is also no problem. Normally we find a place for our laptop or tablet. We kept our car. And (knock on wood) it is still running. We have set up new rituals. We are much more quicker in

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Waltzing and Books

I admit I am a letter-junkie. I read everything. Doesn’t matter what. The main thing is reading! How do I cope while waltzing? Well, just like all the years before: I use free public libraries! https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/635019999472713728 If I would have still all the books that I have ever read I would need approximately two houses and several garages. While waltzing it is even more fun to take a book from a public free library from Oberheimbach and leave it in a hotel on Madeira. I love the idea that the books also travel… https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/646991542431940608 Which possibilities are there to give away books: public bookcases hotel libraries bookcrossing Public book cases There are a lot of public book cases. On some websites and maps you can find them. Or there are organizations that take books and use them meaningful: leih-ein-buch.de buchspende.org Öffentliche Bücherschränke Little Free Library Bücherschmaus Wien   Hotels In many

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Another pit stopp…

During the easter holidays we had two weeks free within our tour dates. We did not really try to fill those weeks but blocked them for another pit stopp. In November we did not really manage to do everything that we had planned. So we used this time to finish our tasks: We have a new website. Tadaaa! Our first website was developed before we started waltzing and was mainly about explaining the concept and do some advertising for our project. But now we are nearly one year on the road and there are so many photos that we want to show them. And there are more than 200 blog posts that have to be displayed in a different way. It really was time for something new. And when we are at the pit stopp we use the time for some other things as well. We had to do four

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Berlin bei Nacht

Week 39 – ITB Berlin

Our 39th waltzing week we used to visit for the second time the ITB in Berlin and to visit and meet  old friends Many of you offered us a bed and a stay whenever we have a gap in our tour dates so that we do not have to sleep under the bridge. A big thank you at this point four you all! In Berlin we had two offers for a stay; one from an old school friend from Achim and another one from a very nice person we met at a barcamp. So nothing could keeps us from visiting the ITB. Sunday is our changing day. So we arrived in the evening in Berlin and had a very nice evening with old friends https://twitter.com/DieMeurers/status/706878998895325184 On Monday we had some doctor’s appointment. Cheers for Berlin where you can get an appointment in very short notice when even our great doctor’s

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